
Luigi Zingales

Luigi Zingales

Formal First Name

Dr. Luigi Zingales is Robert C. McCormack Distinguished Service Professor of Entrepreneurship and Finance at The University of Chicago Booth School of Business. He also serves as a Faculty Research Fellow for the National Bureau of Economic Research, a Research Fellow for the Center for Economic Policy Research, and a Fellow of the European Governance Institute. In addition, he is the Director of the Stigler Center for the Study of the Economy and the State at the University of Chicago. Dr. Zingales’ research interests span from corporate governance to financial development, from political economy to the economic effects of culture. He co-developed the Financial Trust Index, which is designed to monitor the level of trust that Americans have toward their financial system. Dr. Zingales has also published extensively in the major economics and financial journals. He writes editorials for Il Sole 24 Ore, Italy’s most distinguished business daily, and for L’Espresso, a weekly magazine.

Professional Experience

Academic History



  • His book, Saving Capitalism from Capitalists, coauthored with Raghuram G. Rajan, has been acclaimed as "one of the most powerful defenses of the free market ever written" by Bruce Bartlett of National Review Online.

  • In his latest book, “A Capitalism for the People: Recapturing the Lost Genius of American Prosperity,” the Financial Times has written “Zingales’ fundamental diagnosis is right."