Cordillera Applications Group

Cordillera Applications Group

Entity Type
Founding Date

Cordillera Applications Group is a global research and operations firm dedicated to de-risking investments and projects through risk analysis, monitoring, and specialized field teams. Focused on resilience and risk management that guides companies and institutions through uncertain and complex situations, CAG offers geopolitical services to governments, corporate clients and NGOs in North America, Europe, Latin America, Asia and Africa. The firm’s suite of technological tools and distributed operations methodologies enables CAG to help clients adapt and thrive throughout the complex world.


  • CAG maintains offices in Latin America, North America and Europe.

  • The company's analysts cover Africa, the Asia-Pacific and the Middle East.

  • Cordillera's practice areas: Urbanization and Public Safety, Internal Security and Development, and Studies and Observations.

  • The firm draws on advanced analytic capabilities, professional field teams, and a network of expert consultants to provide tailored services to clients.