List of All Wisdoms
Wisdom Name |
Author |
Limit the number of companies in your portfolio to the number of hours you have per month to analyze them |
Economics Can't Forecast Recessions |
The best place to find a new mine is next to an old one |
Equity Investors Must Be Able to Handle 50% Drops |
Credit Is An Opinion |
Anyone who says stocks are guaranteed to outperform bonds or cash is an ignoramus |
I feel like an oversexed man in a whorehouse |
If I owe you a million dollars, I have a problem But if I owe you a billion dollars, you have a problem |
If You Don’t Know Who the Sucker Is, You’re the Sucker |
Interest Rates are the most important price in all of capitalism |
It’s only when the tide goes out that you learn who has been swimming naked |
Nothing goes to the moon without at least 1 50% Correction |
Predicting the future is easy but believing it is hard |
Sell in May and Go Away |
Software is eating the world |
The Best Strategy is One You Can Stick With |
The most adaptable survive, not the strongest |
The rich ruleth over the poor, and the borrower is servant to the lender |
When the wind blows even a turkey can fly |
All money is a matter of belief. |
Moores Law |
What you do with losers is what sets good traders apart |
Market Prices Do Not Equal Real Wealth |
Dont' Fight The Fed |
Keep it simple |
EBIDTA is Dishonest |
Market Cycles cause valuation metrics to drop by half |
Those who understand interest earn it, not pay it |
If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said a faster horse! |
Unreal Money Threatens Unreal Everything |
Sell immediately when dogma has overpowered rational decision making |
Investing Knowledge is Cyclical |
In theory there is no difference between theory and practice but in practice there is |
In the short run the market is a voting machine but in the long run it is a weighing machine |
The Best Investors of All Time |
It's hard to invest a large amount of money than a small amount |
The most adaptable to change survive |
Investing is about being reasonable, not a genius |
Bulls can't stand low rates |
Interest Rates and Business Profits are connected via arbitrage |
Act before markets change direction |
People often remember only certain parts of history, often the wrong parts |
Power of Compounding |
Buy When There's Blood In The Streets |
The Government will pay social security before foreign bond holders |
Death and Taxes |
To live happily you need more than money |
When in Doubt, Stay Out! |
All Artificial Booms will eventually Bust |
Mining Deposits Are Guesstimates Till They Are Fully Mined |