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List of All Wisdoms

Wisdom Name Author
Limit the number of companies in your portfolio to the number of hours you have per month to analyze them
Economics Can't Forecast Recessions
The best place to find a new mine is next to an old one
Equity Investors Must Be Able to Handle 50% Drops
Credit Is An Opinion
Anyone who says stocks are guaranteed to outperform bonds or cash is an ignoramus
I feel like an oversexed man in a whorehouse
If I owe you a million dollars, I have a problem But if I owe you a billion dollars, you have a problem
If You Don’t Know Who the Sucker Is, You’re the Sucker
Interest Rates are the most important price in all of capitalism
It’s only when the tide goes out that you learn who has been swimming naked
Nothing goes to the moon without at least 1 50% Correction
Predicting the future is easy but believing it is hard
Sell in May and Go Away
Software is eating the world
The Best Strategy is One You Can Stick With
The most adaptable survive, not the strongest
The rich ruleth over the poor, and the borrower is servant to the lender
When the wind blows even a turkey can fly
All money is a matter of belief.
Moores Law
What you do with losers is what sets good traders apart
Market Prices Do Not Equal Real Wealth
Dont' Fight The Fed
Keep it simple
EBIDTA is Dishonest
Market Cycles cause valuation metrics to drop by half
Those who understand interest earn it, not pay it
If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said a faster horse!
Unreal Money Threatens Unreal Everything
Sell immediately when dogma has overpowered rational decision making
Investing Knowledge is Cyclical
In theory there is no difference between theory and practice but in practice there is
In the short run the market is a voting machine but in the long run it is a weighing machine
The Best Investors of All Time
It's hard to invest a large amount of money than a small amount
The most adaptable to change survive
Investing is about being reasonable, not a genius
Bulls can't stand low rates
Interest Rates and Business Profits are connected via arbitrage
Act before markets change direction
People often remember only certain parts of history, often the wrong parts
Power of Compounding
Buy When There's Blood In The Streets
The Government will pay social security before foreign bond holders
Death and Taxes
To live happily you need more than money
When in Doubt, Stay Out!
All Artificial Booms will eventually Bust
Mining Deposits Are Guesstimates Till They Are Fully Mined