Cliff Asness is the Co-Founder, Managing Principal, and Chief Investment Officer at AQR Capital Management, a global investment management firm operating at the intersection of economics, behavioral finance, data and technology. Cliff is a pioneer in liquid alternatives and has earned the reputation of an intellectual giant in the hedge fund community. He is well regarded in the investing universe and is an active researcher who has authored on a variety of financial topics for many publications. Prior to co-founding AQR Capital Management, Cliff was a Managing Director and Director of Quantitative Research for the Asset Management Division of Goldman Sachs.
Cliff Asness Professional Experience / Academic History
Professional Experience
Academic History
Editorial Board, The Journal of Portfolio Management
Governing Board, Courant Institute of Mathematical Finance at NYU
Board of Directors, QGroup
2006 James R. Vertin Award, CFA Institute
50 Most Influential People in Global Finance, Bloomberg Markets
2x Graham and Dodd Award, Financial Analysts Journal
5x Bernstein Fabozzi/Jacobs Levy Award, The Journal of Portfolio Management (2002, 2004, 2005, 2014 and 2015)
Cliff has been featured or quoted in Bloomberg, Forbes, Financial Times, Fortune, Reuters, CNBC, Business Insider, Institutional Investor, Yahoo! Finance, and more.
He has written for The Journal of Portfolio Management, Financial Analysts Journal, The Journal of Finance, and The Journal of Financial Economics.