Quantitative Analysis

Quantitative Analysis

Investing strategy that uses mathematical and statistical modeling to predict future investment performance



Mentioned by the Following


AQR Capital Management
Alpha Architect
Artemis Capital Management LP
Ascendere Associates
Assured Capital Partners
DARMA Capital
Dow Jones Newswires
Fundstrat Global Advisors
Glenn Williams Jr LLC
Hull Trading Company
Julex Capital Management
Logica Capital Advisers
Long Term Capital Management
LongTail Alpha
MJX Asset Management
Musca Capital
Neuravest Research
PDT Partners
Pivot Analytics
Portfolio Management Consultants
Redwood Investments
Renaissance Technologies
Sunrise Capital Partners
Takahē Capital
ThirdYear Capital
Virtus Investment Partners
X Cubed Capital Management
Zacks Investment Research
i10 Research


Aaron Brown
Aaron Uitenbroek
Adam Posen
Amlan Roy
Andrew Lo
Armando Gonzalez
Arthur Breitman
Benn Eifert
Bob Johnson
Chiente Hsu
Chris Balding
Chris Johnson
Chris Vermeulen
Christopher Dembik
Cliff Asness
Damien Conover
Dan Jerrett
Daniel Ahn
Eric Sorensen
Galen Burghardt
George Brod
George Patterson
George Pruitt
Gerald Jensen
Giovanni Tinella
Glenn Williams Jr
Gregg Fisher
Haim Bodek
JD Henning
JM Mognetti
Jack Forehand
Jason Hsu
Jeff Miller
Jesse Knutson
Jim O'Shaughnessy
Jim Simons
Joe Zhao
John Kolovos
John Kosar
John Murphy
John Overdeck
Jon Markman
Jonas Elmerraji
Jonathan Hiscock
Keith Brown
Kevin Davey
Kevin Smith
Lawrence Lewitinn
Lev Dynkin
Liqian Ren
Luis Seco
Luke Brindle
Marc Chaikin
Marc Gerstein
Marc Ostwald
Marko Kolanovic
Martin Gruber
Martin Kollmorgen
Matt Peron
Matt Rowe
Michael Covel
Mike Drury
Nick Maggiulli
Nigam Arora
Patrick Gregory
Pei Chen
Pete Muller
Philip Fischer
Ram Ahluwalia
Raphael Douady
Rishi Narang
Robert Johnson
Robert Ross
Ron Rowland
Ross Gerber
Rudy Martin
Shehzad Qazi
Siddhartha Jha
Stephen Brown
Stephen Castellano
Steve Hanke
Taesik Yoon
Tammer Kamel
Tony Sagami
Trevor Mottl
Vincent Deluard
William Maxwell
Yan Liberman


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Active Trading

  • People who follow this strategy are often called Quants
  • Goal is to replicate high alpha returns by using mathematics - saving on costs

Common investment factors that quants work with (there are thousands):
  • Often rely on the recent past - don't look far back enough in time/history
    • Usually only go back max 30 years (data from before the 80s is hard to get)
    • This time period doesn't take into account all cycles and is a period with consistently falling rates (does not include rising rate environment)
  • Grants Interest Rate Observer there are errors in quantitative strategies
    • Quants assume that the future will look like the past, when in reality every day is different
    • Quants don't try to understand history - they just back-test it