Marc Gerstein

Marc Gerstein

Formal First Name

Marc Gerstein, a quant, is an investment analyst and commentator with specialization in rules-/factor-based equity investing strategies and stock screening. He is the Director of Research at Chaikin Analytics, where he consistently generates ideas with the firm’s Power Gauge ranking system as well as the bottom-to-top approach. Marc also developed StockScreen123, a low-cost stock screening platform aimed at individual investors. Marc Gerstein is editor of Forbes Low Priced Stock Report, research director at Portfolio123 and author of Screening the Market.

Professional Experience

Academic History

  • His commentary can be found on Acti-Quant,, and
  • Marc is the author of two books on stock screening: Screening the Market and The Value Connection.
  • Marc is the author of Forbes Low-Priced Stock Report, a newsletter based on a Top 40 Listing and 15-Stock Model Portfolio.
  • He has a willingness to forego by-now stale concepts expressed through abundant and complex mathematical equations and instead develop theoretically sound quant approaches that generate active, actionable ideas.