Mutual Fund

Mutual Fund


Mutual Funds is a legal, multi-class, investment arrangement often formed as a business trust or corporation having different classes of shares. A mutual fund is a collection of stocks, bonds, or other securities operated by money managers, that allocates the fund’s assets and attempts to produce capital gains. Mutual funds are divided into several kinds of categories, representing the kinds of securities they invest in, their investment objectives, and the type of returns they seek, with shares traded continuously. Having less risk than buying individual securities, mutual funds give benefits of professional stock picking and portfolio management due to its diversified investments. The average mutual fund holds hundreds of different securities, which means mutual fund shareholders gain important diversification at a low price.

Entity Types




Mentioned by the Following


Advisor Perspectives
All Star Charts
Alpha Financial Technologies, LLC.
AlphaProfit Investments
Altegris Investments
Angel Oak Capital Advisors
Aquamarine Capital
Ariel Investments
Arro Financial Communications
Asas Capital
Ashika Group
BP Capital Fund Advisors
Bell Investment Advisors
Blackmore Capital
Brummer & Partners
Buffalo Funds
CFRA Research
Capital Management Group
Century Management Financial Advisors
Citywire USA
Clark Capital Management Group
Columbia Threadneedle Investments
Community Capital Management
Cornerstone Analytics
Diamond Hill Capital Management
Dreman Value Management
Eaton Vance
Elazar Advisors
Essex Investment Management
Fidelity Institutional Asset Management
Fidelity Investments
Fidelity Magellan Fund
Flexible Plan Investments
Franklin Templeton Investments
FundX Investment Group
GAMCO Investors
Gerstein Fisher
Gotham Funds
Gurtin Municipal Bond Management
HRC Financial Group
Hewes Communications
Highland Capital Management
Hussman Funds
ION Asset Management
Insight Investment
Institute of Business & Finance
Interactive Brokers
Investor's Business Daily
Jacques Financial
Johnson Investment Counsel
Kaplan Financial
Longboard Asset Management
Loomis, Sayles & Company
M Partners
Mackenzie Investments
Madison Avenue Securities
Maven Asset Partners
Montag & Caldwell
Morgan Stanley Investment Management
Ned Davis Research
New Constructs
Newfound Research
Newport Harbor Wealth Management
Northern Trust
O'Shaughnessy Asset Management
Pacific Investment Management Company
Parnassus Investments
Pecaut & Company
Pension Partners
Portland Investment Counsel
RCM Alternatives
RIA Advisors
RK Equity
Research Affiliates
Royce Investment Partners
Russell Investments
SEB Group
SL Advisors
Schaeffer's Investment Research
SeaBridge Investment Advisors
Seeking Alpha
Seilern Investment Management
Sitka Pacific Capital Management
Smead Capital Management
Sondhelm Partners
Spectrum Asset Management
Sprott Inc.
Sungarden Investment Management
Swan Global Investments
T. Rowe Price
Teachers Insurance and Annuity Association
Texas Wall Street Women
The Vanguard Group
Third Avenue Management
Thornburg Investment Management
Toews Asset Management
Treussard Capital Management
Trillium Asset Management
Tweedy Browne Company LLC
U.S. Global Investors
UMB Fund Services
Ultimus Fund Solutions
Virtus Investment Partners
Weiss Ratings
Wellington Management
Wintergreen Advisers
Wyatt Investment Research
Zulauf Consulting

Entity Types

Business Development Company
Close Ended Investment Management Company
Exchange Traded Fund
Financial Services
Passive Foreign Investment Corporation


GoGo Bull Market
Investment Company Act of 1940
Mortgage Market Collapse
Subprime Mortgage Crisis




Abdulaziz Alnaim
Jeremy Deems
Aaran Param
Adam Butler
Adam Cohen
Adam Epstein
Adam Peck
Al Besse
Alain Mandy
Alan Snyder
Alejandro Reyes
Alex Bryan
Alex Vaskevitch
Amanda Tepper
Ami Joseph
Amin Elkholy
Andrea Gentilini
Andrew Beer
Andrew Cahill
Andrew Schneider
André Perold
Andy Clarke
Angela Gingras
Angelo Robles
Aoifinn Devitt
Art Hogan
Atul Varma
Barry Glassman
Ben Davies
Bernie Kent
Bill Enszer
Bill Miller
Bill Strazzullo
Bob Froehlich
Bob Johnson
Bob Powell
Bob Pozen
Bobby Schwartz
Brad Gerstner
Brad Sherman
Bradley Safalow
Brenda Vingiello
Brendan Ahern
Brendan Lake
Brendan Swords
Bret Jensen
Brett Messing
Brett Winton
Brian Kelly
Brian McGough
Brian Nelson
Brian Portnoy
Brian Weinstein
Bruce Fenton
Bruce Frumerman
Carl Delfeld
Carrie Schwab-Pomerantz
Cathie Wood
Chad Cascarilla
Chad Morganlander
Chaim Siegel
Chance Pipitone
Charles Biderman
Charles Brandes
Charles Noble III
Chris Aitken
Chris Bailey
Chris Berry
Chris Blasi
Chris Castroviejo
Chris Cole
Chris Cooke
Chris Hausman
Chris Hohlstein
Chris Johnson
Chris Pavese
Christian Thwaites
Christine Breck
Christine Hurtsellers
Christine Sandler
Christopher Swasbrook
Chuck Bean
Chuck Royce
Cole Wilcox
Colin Moore
Colleen Jaconetti
Constance Hunter
Cooper Abbott
Corey Westphal
Courtney Smith
Cullen Roche
Damien Buchet
Dan Ahrens
Dan Arnold
Dan Bortolotti
Dan Chung
Dan Kingston
Dan Morehead
Dan Passarelli
Dan Russo
Dan Sondhelm
Dana Anspach
Dana Stewardson
Daniel Applegarth
Daniel Masters
Daniel Peris
Daniel Strachman
Daren Alcantar
Daren Riley
Dave Donnelly
Dave Mazza
David Brief
David Dorr
David Harrell
David Hunt
David Kabiller
David McKnight
David Salem
David Scarpello
David Trainer
Debashish Bose
Des Sheehy
Diana Joseph
Dick Dickson
Divya Narendra
Doug Foreman
Doug Kinsey
Doug MacKay
Ed Campbell
Ed Harrington
Ed Keon
Ed Slott
Ed Yardeni
Eddy Zuaiter
Edward Herman
Edward Symons
Edwin Elton
Ehren Stanhope
Eli Rauch
Ellen Safir
Eric Crittenden
Eric Henderson
Eric Weigel
Erich Gerth
Erik Bethel
Erik Conley
Erin Gibbs
Evan Roth
Evan Strain
Felix Zulauf
Fischer Black
Francis Gannon
Francis Hunt
Frank Burke
Frank Holmes
Frank Serebrin
Gabriel Grego
Gareth Murphy
Garrett Goggin
Garvin Jabusch
Gary Anetsberger
Gary Liska
Gary Mishuris
Gary Tenkman
Gavin von Loeser
Genevieve Roch-Decter
Geoff White
George Douglas
George Mussalli
George Noble
George Patterson
George Peacock
Gerald Jensen
Gina Sanchez
Glenn Williams Jr
Gordon Pape
Greg Drose
Greg Foss
Greg Franks
Greg Smith
Guy Cerundolo
Hari Krishnan
Harry Clark
Heather Brilliant
Helen Thomas
Henry Ma
Howard Schilit
Ian Wyatt
JG Savoldi
Jack Bogle
Jack Selby
Jakub Rehor
James Clunie
James Medeiros
Jamie Coutts
Jan van Eck
Janet Brown
Jason Katz
Jason Kelly
Jason Mann
Jason Moser
Jay Canell
Jay Pelosky
Jeannine Vanian
Jeff Fischer
Jeff Grinspoon
Jeff Gundlach
Jeff Horowitz
Jeff Kilburg
Jeff Leventhal
Jeff Megar
Jeff Rose
Jeff Schulze
Jeffrey Kleintop
Jennifer Silver
Jenny Johnson
Jeremy Miller
Jeremy Schwartz
Jerry Hwang
Jerry Wagner
Jessica Rabe
Jim Bantis
Jim Blankenship
Jim McLaughlin
Jim O'Shaughnessy
Jim Osman
Joe Cornell
Joe McAlinden
Joe Montgomery
John Armitage
John Bonnanzio
John Bowman
John Ciampaglia
John Kiple
John Legat
John Netto
John Reese
John Roque
John Stephenson
Jon Najarian
Jon Zeschin
Jonathan DeYoe
Jonathan Satovsky
Jonathan Treussard
Jordan Waxman
Jordi Visser
Joseph Sheeley
Josh Sterling
Judith McGee
Jurrien Timmer
Justin Carbonneau
Jérôme Stern
Karen Finerman
Kathleen Moriarty
Kathy Jones
Keith Black
Keith Dicker
Kelley Wright
Ken Monahan
Kenny Polcari
Kentay Miller
Kerr Neilson
Kevin Coldiron
Kevin Kinzie
Kevin Myeroff
Kevin Nugent
Kevin O'Leary
Kevin Smith
Khaled Abdel Majeed
Kimberly Flynn
Kinjal Amin
Kirk Spano
Komal Sri-Kumar
Konstantin Boehmer
Lance Roberts
Larry Raffone
Larry Swedroe
Lee Freeman-Shor
Lee Robertson
Liz Ann Sonders
Luke Ellis
Luke Gromen
Lyle LaMothe
Marc Faber
Marc Gerstein
Marc Mayer
Marc Ostwald
Marc Poirier
Margret Trilli
Marie Dzanis
Mario Gabelli
Mark Anson
Mark Mirsberger
Mark Mobius
Mark Newton
Mark Seger
Mark Shenkman
Mark Smith
Mark Walker
Marshall Auerback
Marshall Stocker
Martin Friedman
Martin Gruber
Martin Pelletier
Marty Bicknell
Marty Fridson
Matt Dillig
Matt Hougan
Matt Kadnar
Matt Ran
Matt Rowe
Matt Tucker
Matteo Perruccio
Matthew Waz
Matthias Knab
Maziar Minovi
Michael Corcelli
Michael Covel
Michael Gayed
Michael Gildenhorn
Michael Kahn
Michael Kao
Michael Kramer
Michael Miller
Michael Murphy
Michael Parker
Michael Purves
Michael Rubenstein
Michelle Seitz
Mick McLaughlin
Mike Abrams
Mike Cagney
Mike Hennessy
Mike Heroux
Mike Kantrowitz
Mike Khouw
Mike Mufson
Mike Philbrick
Milton Berg
Mitch Stein
Morgan Paxhia
Moss Crosby
Murray Stahl
Navneet Munot
Neal Frankle
Ned Johnson III
Neil Azous
Neil Gilliss
Nicholas Albanese
Nick Arnott
Nick Cowan
Nick Reece
Noreen Beaman
Oliver Harris
Omar Aguilar
Omar Bassal
Ovie Faruq
Patricia Baronowski-Schneider
Patrick Ceresna
Patrick Krulik
Patrick Watson
Paul Mampilly
Paul Ried
Paul Tanner
Paul Zemsky
Peg Pike
Peter Carey
Peter Churchouse
Peter Cogan
Peter Doyle
Peter Lacalamita
Peter Seilern
Phil Hildebrandt
Phil Moffitt
Philip Kessler
Phillip Toews
Pippa Malmgren
Prateek Mehrotra
Preston Cherry
Preston McSwain
Raghee Horner
Ralph Segall
Randy Carver
Randy Swan
Ray Merriman
Ray Uy
Rayne Steinberg
Rishi Narang
Rita Lee
Rob Davis
Rob Mooney
Rob Siracusano
Robin Fink
Rodrigo Gordillo
Roger Montgomery
Roger Wohlner
Roji Abraham
Ron Carson
Royce Running
Rudy Martin
Russ Norwood
Russell Korgaonkar
Ryan Morris
Saker Nusseibeh
Sallie Krawcheck
Scott Couto
Scott Van Den Berg
Scott Wood
Sebastien Page
Seth Ginns
Sethu Bijumalla
Shalin Madan
Shirl Penney
Simon Ree
Stephanie Link
Stephanie Pierce
Stephen Brown
Stephen Burke
Stephen Kelso
Stephen Lee
Stephen Perry
Stephen Weiss
Steve Blumenthal
Steve Butler
Steve Ehrlich
Steve Grasso
Steve Hanke
Steve Hawkins
Steve Johnson
Steven Schoenfeld
Sunil Singhania
Susan Webb
Susan Williams
Tad Rivelle
Tammer Kamel
Tammy Sullivan
Taylor Larimore
Taylor Schulte
Ted Barac
Ted Jenkin
Ted Siedle
Ted Truscott
Thomas Hugger
Thomas Riegert
Tim Davies
Tim Price
Tim Sykes
Tobias Carlisle
Todd Battaglia
Todd Juillerat
Tom Florence
Tom Price
Tom Tobin
Tony Sagami
Tony Zhang
Torkell Eide
Travis Wilkerson
Troy Thornton
Udayan Mitra
Vicki Bryan
Victor Cunningham
Vijay Marolia
Vikram Mansharamani
Vince Sarullo
Vincent Catalano
Vincent Deluard
Vishal Mehta
Vitaliy Katsenelson
Wally Obermeyer
Wes Gray
Whitney Tilson
Will Braman
Will Rhind
Woody Bradford
Yoshi Nakamura
Zach Scheidt


24 Essential Lessons for Investment Success
All About Bonds, Bond Mutual Funds, and Bond ETFs
Beating the Street
Bogle On Mutual Funds
Breaking the Black Box
Can I Retire?
Canadian Couch Potato
Common Sense Investing
Common Sense on Mutual Funds
Common Stocks as Long Term Investments
Corporate Bond Investor
Exchange-Traded Funds For Dummies
Fidelity Monitor & Insight
Financial Institutions, Investments, and Management
Financial Intelligence Report
Financial Secrets of My Wealthy Grandparents
Fund Spy
Getting Started in Chart Patterns
Gold, Silver and Rare Coins
How to Make Money in Stocks
Invest and Beat the Pros
Investing For Dummies
Investing Made Simple
Investing QuickStart Guide
Investing from Scratch
Investing in Bonds FD
Investing in Junk Bonds
It Pays to Talk
Modern Portfolio Theory and Investment Analysis
Morningstar FundInvestor
Morningstar Funds 500
Mutual Fund Mastery
Mutual Funds for Dummies
NoLoad FundX
One Hour Investor
Online Investing For Dummies
Passport to Profits
Perspectives on Equity Indexing
Safe Investing
Seeking Alpha
Stay the Course
Stocks on the Move
Straight Talk About Bonds and Bond Funds
Study for the Securities Industry Essentials (SIE) Exam
Teach Yourself Investing in 24 Easy Lessons
The Chartist Mutual Fund Letter
The Clash of the Cultures
The Complete Guide to Investing in Short Term Trading
The Complete Idiot's Guide to Socially Responsible Investing
The Complete Investor
The Death of the Banker
The End of Indexing
The Four Pillars of Investing
The Fund Industry
The Handbook of Financial Instruments
The Income Investor
The Lies About Money
The Little Book of Common Sense Investing
The Little Book of Money
The Motley Fool Investment Guide for Teens
The Motley Fool Investment Workbook
The Neatest Little Guide to Mutual Fund Investing
The New Scrooge Investing
The Only Guide to Alternative Investments You'll Ever Need
The Only Guide to a Winning Investment Strategy You'll Ever Need
The Origins of Value
The Pocket Idiot's Guide to Investing in Mutual Funds
The Small Investor
The Wall Street Journal Guide to Understanding Money and Investing
Visual Guide to Financial Markets
Wall Street’s Best Investments
What Every Fidelity Investor Needs to Know
Why Smart People Lose A Fortune


Absolute Return
Dividend Compounding
Global Macro Strategy
Growth Vs Value
Income Investing


Financial Asset
Individual Stock
Investment Portfolio
Mutual Fund Complex
Stock Pick

Abdulaziz Alnaim

Jeremy Deems

Aaran Param

Adam Butler

Adam Cohen

Adam Epstein

Adam Peck

Al Besse

Alain Mandy

Alan Snyder

Alejandro Reyes

Alex Bryan

Alex Vaskevitch

Amanda Tepper

Ami Joseph

Amin Elkholy

Andrea Gentilini

Andrew Beer

Andrew Cahill

Andrew Schneider

André Perold

Andy Clarke

Angela Gingras

Angelo Robles

Aoifinn Devitt

Art Hogan

Atul Varma

Barry Glassman

Ben Davies

Bernie Kent

Bill Enszer

Bill Miller

Bill Strazzullo

Bob Froehlich

Bob Johnson

Bob Powell

Bob Pozen

Bobby Schwartz

Brad Gerstner

Brad Sherman

Bradley Safalow

Brenda Vingiello

Brendan Ahern

Brendan Lake

Brendan Swords

Bret Jensen

Brett Messing

Brett Winton

Brian Kelly

Brian McGough

Brian Nelson

Brian Portnoy

Brian Weinstein

Bruce Fenton

Bruce Frumerman

Carl Delfeld

Carrie Schwab-Pomerantz

Cathie Wood

Chad Cascarilla

Chad Morganlander

Chaim Siegel

Chance Pipitone

Charles Biderman

Charles Brandes

Charles Noble III

Chris Aitken

Chris Bailey

Chris Berry

Chris Blasi

Chris Castroviejo

Chris Cole

Chris Cooke

Chris Hausman

Chris Hohlstein

Chris Johnson

Chris Pavese

Christian Thwaites

Christine Breck

Christine Hurtsellers

Christine Sandler

Christopher Swasbrook

Chuck Bean

Chuck Royce

Cole Wilcox

Colin Moore

Colleen Jaconetti

Constance Hunter

Cooper Abbott

Corey Westphal

Courtney Smith

Cullen Roche

Damien Buchet

Dan Ahrens

Dan Arnold

Dan Bortolotti

Dan Chung

Dan Kingston

Dan Morehead

Dan Passarelli

Dan Russo

Dan Sondhelm

Dana Anspach

Dana Stewardson

Daniel Applegarth

Daniel Masters

Daniel Peris

Daniel Strachman

Daren Alcantar

Daren Riley

Dave Donnelly

Dave Mazza

David Brief

David Dorr

David Harrell

David Hunt

David Kabiller

David McKnight

David Salem

David Scarpello

David Trainer

Debashish Bose

Des Sheehy

Diana Joseph

Dick Dickson

Divya Narendra

Doug Foreman

Doug Kinsey

Doug MacKay

Ed Campbell

Ed Harrington

Ed Keon

Ed Slott

Ed Yardeni

Eddy Zuaiter

Edward Herman

Edward Symons

Edwin Elton

Ehren Stanhope

Eli Rauch

Ellen Safir

Eric Crittenden

Eric Henderson

Eric Weigel

Erich Gerth

Erik Bethel

Erik Conley

Erin Gibbs

Evan Roth

Evan Strain

Felix Zulauf

Fischer Black

Francis Gannon

Francis Hunt

Frank Burke

Frank Holmes

Frank Serebrin

Gabriel Grego

Gareth Murphy

Garrett Goggin

Garvin Jabusch

Gary Anetsberger

Gary Liska

Gary Mishuris

Gary Tenkman

Gavin von Loeser

Genevieve Roch-Decter

Geoff White

George Douglas

George Mussalli

George Noble

George Patterson

George Peacock

Gerald Jensen

Gina Sanchez

Glenn Williams Jr

Gordon Pape

Greg Drose

Greg Foss

Greg Franks

Greg Smith

Guy Cerundolo

Hari Krishnan

Harry Clark

Heather Brilliant

Helen Thomas

Henry Ma

Howard Schilit

Ian Wyatt

JG Savoldi

Jack Bogle

Jack Selby

Jakub Rehor

James Clunie

James Medeiros

Jamie Coutts

Jan van Eck

Janet Brown

Jason Katz

Jason Kelly

Jason Mann

Jason Moser

Jay Canell

Jay Pelosky

Jeannine Vanian

Jeff Fischer

Jeff Grinspoon

Jeff Gundlach

Jeff Horowitz

Jeff Kilburg

Jeff Leventhal

Jeff Megar

Jeff Rose

Jeff Schulze

Jeffrey Kleintop

Jennifer Silver

Jenny Johnson

Jeremy Miller

Jeremy Schwartz

Jerry Hwang

Jerry Wagner

Jessica Rabe

Jim Bantis

Jim Blankenship

Jim McLaughlin

Jim O'Shaughnessy

Jim Osman

Joe Cornell

Joe McAlinden

Joe Montgomery

John Armitage

John Bonnanzio

John Bowman

John Ciampaglia

John Kiple

John Legat

John Netto

John Reese

John Roque

John Stephenson

Jon Najarian

Jon Zeschin

Jonathan DeYoe

Jonathan Satovsky

Jonathan Treussard

Jordan Waxman

Jordi Visser

Joseph Sheeley

Josh Sterling

Judith McGee

Jurrien Timmer

Justin Carbonneau

Jérôme Stern

Karen Finerman

Kathleen Moriarty

Kathy Jones

Keith Black

Keith Dicker

Kelley Wright

Ken Monahan

Kenny Polcari

Kentay Miller

Kerr Neilson

Kevin Coldiron

Kevin Kinzie

Kevin Myeroff

Kevin Nugent

Kevin O'Leary

Kevin Smith

Khaled Abdel Majeed

Kimberly Flynn

Kinjal Amin

Kirk Spano

Komal Sri-Kumar

Konstantin Boehmer

Lance Roberts

Larry Raffone

Larry Swedroe

Lee Freeman-Shor

Lee Robertson

Liz Ann Sonders

Luke Ellis

Luke Gromen

Lyle LaMothe

Marc Faber

Marc Gerstein

Marc Mayer

Marc Ostwald

Marc Poirier

Margret Trilli

Marie Dzanis

Mario Gabelli

Mark Anson

Mark Mirsberger

Mark Mobius

Mark Newton

Mark Seger

Mark Shenkman

Mark Smith

Mark Walker

Marshall Auerback

Marshall Stocker

Martin Friedman

Martin Gruber

Martin Pelletier

Marty Bicknell

Marty Fridson

Matt Dillig

Matt Hougan

Matt Kadnar

Matt Ran

Matt Rowe

Matt Tucker

Matteo Perruccio

Matthew Waz

Matthias Knab

Maziar Minovi

Michael Corcelli

Michael Covel

Michael Gayed

Michael Gildenhorn

Michael Kahn

Michael Kao

Michael Kramer

Michael Miller

Michael Murphy

Michael Parker

Michael Purves

Michael Rubenstein

Michelle Seitz

Mick McLaughlin

Mike Abrams

Mike Cagney

Mike Hennessy

Mike Heroux

Mike Kantrowitz

Mike Khouw

Mike Mufson

Mike Philbrick

Milton Berg

Mitch Stein

Morgan Paxhia

Moss Crosby

Murray Stahl

Navneet Munot

Neal Frankle

Ned Johnson III

Neil Azous

Neil Gilliss

Nicholas Albanese

Nick Arnott

Nick Cowan

Nick Reece

Noreen Beaman

Oliver Harris

Omar Aguilar

Omar Bassal

Ovie Faruq

Patricia Baronowski-Schneider

Patrick Ceresna

Patrick Krulik

Patrick Watson

Paul Mampilly

Paul Ried

Paul Tanner

Paul Zemsky

Peg Pike

Peter Carey

Peter Churchouse

Peter Cogan

Peter Doyle

Peter Lacalamita

Peter Seilern

Phil Hildebrandt

Phil Moffitt

Philip Kessler

Phillip Toews

Pippa Malmgren

Prateek Mehrotra

Preston Cherry

Preston McSwain

Raghee Horner

Ralph Segall

Randy Carver

Randy Swan

Ray Merriman

Ray Uy

Rayne Steinberg

Rishi Narang

Rita Lee

Rob Davis

Rob Mooney

Rob Siracusano

Robin Fink

Rodrigo Gordillo

Roger Montgomery

Roger Wohlner

Roji Abraham

Ron Carson

Royce Running

Rudy Martin

Russ Norwood

Russell Korgaonkar

Ryan Morris

Saker Nusseibeh

Sallie Krawcheck

Scott Couto

Scott Van Den Berg

Scott Wood

Sebastien Page

Seth Ginns

Sethu Bijumalla

Shalin Madan

Shirl Penney

Simon Ree

Stephanie Link

Stephanie Pierce

Stephen Brown

Stephen Burke

Stephen Kelso

Stephen Lee

Stephen Perry

Stephen Weiss

Steve Blumenthal

Steve Butler

Steve Ehrlich

Steve Grasso

Steve Hanke

Steve Hawkins

Steve Johnson

Steven Schoenfeld

Sunil Singhania

Susan Webb

Susan Williams

Tad Rivelle

Tammer Kamel

Tammy Sullivan

Taylor Larimore

Taylor Schulte

Ted Barac

Ted Jenkin

Ted Siedle

Ted Truscott

Thomas Hugger

Thomas Riegert

Tim Davies

Tim Price

Tim Sykes

Tobias Carlisle

Todd Battaglia

Todd Juillerat

Tom Florence

Tom Price

Tom Tobin

Tony Sagami

Tony Zhang

Torkell Eide

Travis Wilkerson

Troy Thornton

Udayan Mitra

Vicki Bryan

Victor Cunningham

Vijay Marolia

Vikram Mansharamani

Vince Sarullo

Vincent Catalano

Vincent Deluard

Vishal Mehta

Vitaliy Katsenelson

Wally Obermeyer

Wes Gray

Whitney Tilson

Will Braman

Will Rhind

Woody Bradford

Yoshi Nakamura

Zach Scheidt

  • Mutual funds are open-ended:  they can destroy or create shares
  • When you invest money, the fund uses your cash to buy fund assets
  • When you remove money, the fund sells underlying fund assets