Stocks on the Move

Stocks on the Move

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Stocks on the Move: Beating the Market with Hedge Fund Momentum Strategies

Stocks on the Move takes you behind the scenes to show you how anyone can beat the mutual funds. Momentum investing has been one of very few ways of consistently beating the markets. This book offers you a unique backstage pass, guiding you through how established hedge funds achieve their results. Stocks on the Move outlines a rational way to invest in the markets for the long term. It will walk you through the problems of the stock markets and how to address them. It will explain how to achieve twice the return of the stock markets at considerably lower risk. All rules and all details will be explained in this book, allowing anyone to replicate the strategies and research.

  • Clenow's Stocks on the Move strategy aims to beat the S&P 500 at lower volatility.

  • The strategy selects the stocks based on volatility-adjusted momentum and uses a naive risk-parity approach for position sizing.

  • This book outlines a full disclosed momentum strategy for outright equities.