Stock Market

Stock Market

The stock market is where investors connect to buy and sell investments. The stock market is the main financial venue where investing happens. It is a collection of all the places where matches are made between buyers and sellers trading shares of public companies. Over time, the stock market has offered one of the most powerful opportunities for investors to grow wealth. It helps companies raise money to fund operations by selling shares of stock, and it creates and sustains wealth for individual investors. An efficiently functioning stock market is considered critical to economic development, as it gives companies the ability to quickly access capital from the public.

Asset Classes



Commodity Investing
Over The Counter Stocks

Mentioned by the Following


Ace Trades
Aden Forecast
Asbury Research
Banyan Hill Publishing
Bear Bull Traders
Behavioral Analysis of Markets
Behind the Markets
Boyar Research
Cabot Wealth Network
Candlestick Forum LLC
Chaikin Analytics
Crush The Street
Curzio Research
Diversified Trading Institute
Domain Money
Dow Jones Newswires
Eagle Financial Publications
Elazar Advisors
Element Macro Research
Finbox Inc.
Fox Business
Fundamental Research Corp.
Grit Capital
Henning Financial Services
InvesTech Research
Investor's Business Daily
Investors Alley
Jason Bond Picks
Lahardan Financial
Lombardi Publishing
Lowry Research Corporation
Macro Risk Advisors
Money Map Press
National Institute for Cannabis Investors
Online Trading Academy
Options AI
Plunge Protection Team
Rosecliff Acquisition Corp I
Schaeffer's Investment Research
Strive Asset Management
The Bull Market Report
The Motley Fool
The Option Pit
The Roppel Report
The Stock Dork
Traders Reality
Value Line
Verified Investing
Yahoo! Finance
Zacks Investment Research
i10 Research
iShares Core S&P Total U.S. Stock Market ETF

Entity Types

Capital Markets
Closely Held Business


1929 Crash
Dirty Float Era
Mortgage Market Collapse
US Bull Markets

Event Types

Growth Period






Adam Khoo
Alan Shaw
Andrei Shleifer
Andy Krieger
Art Cashin
Ben Morris
Bill Smead
Bob Brinker
Bret Kenwell
Brian Shannon
Chad Shoop
Chuck Carnevale
David Kotok
David Merkel
David Nage
David Skarica
David Truffelman
David Wilson
Dylan Jovine
Edwin Dorsey
Eli Hoffmann
Eric Chemi
Eric Fry
Gareth Soloway
George Leong
Ian King
James Stack
Jason Raznick
Jeff Weiss
Jeff Yastine
Jesse Livermore
Jim Puplava
John Hussman
John Kosar
John Murphy
Kristy Shen
Kyle Dennis
Leslie Lamb
Marc Chaikin
Mariusz Skonieczny
Matt Krantz
Matthew Byer
Michael Sincere
Michael Venuto
Milton Berg
Nishant Pant
Peter Borish
Peter Kendall
Ray Blanco
Rick Pendergraft
Rob Sechan
Rob Siracusano
Robert Prechter
Sean Hyman
Spencer Jakab
Stephen Bigalow
Stephen Perry
Steve Foerster
Steve Saville
Steve Schwarzman
Steven Hochberg
Taesik Yoon
Terry Chrisomalis
Tom Busby
Urban Carmel
William Goetzmann


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Dividend Investing for Everyone
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Get Rich Carefully
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Day Trading
Elliott Waves
Iron Condor
Market Timing


Behavioral Finance
Cabot Tides Market Timing Indicator
Dividend Aristocrats
Dividend Kings
Dow Jones Composite Average
Individual Stock
Initial Public Offering
Stock Pick


  • Decide what kind of account you want to open. 

From retirement savings to college savings, from short-term goals to long, there really is an investment account for everything.

  • Open a brokerage account. 

Once you’ve decided what kind of account you want, you’re ready to open an account at a provider called a brokerage. When choosing a company, consider their fees and available investment options.

To get started, you need to make an initial deposit. You can also set up recurring deposits to automate your investments going forward.

Once your account is open, you can buy and sell securities. Many experts recommend a diversified, fund-based approach to minimize the risk any one bad investment loses your money.

Once you’ve settled on what you want to buy, simply enter the ticker symbol in the buy field and indicate how many shares you want to buy.


  • Over-the-Counter Markets. 

OTC markets provide a venue for trading that takes place outside of major exchanges. OTC trades are primarily made directly between sellers and buyers, and prices may or may not be publicly available. 

Raw materials like steel, coal and oil are traded on commodities markets. There are around 50 major commodity markets worldwide that facilitate trade in a wide range of commodities.

  • Derivatives. 

Derivatives are financial contracts like options whose value is tied to an underlying asset. These are essentially contractual bets about whether individual securities’ values will rise or fall. 

Forex trading is a borderless, international market for exchanging currencies. Forex traders take advantage of the constantly fluctuating value of different currencies to make profits, and help provide liquidity for international trade.

Bitcoin, Ethereum and other cryptocurrencies are traded on specialized crypto exchanges.