The Motley Fool

The Motley Fool

Founding Date

The Motley Fool aims to make the world smarter, happier, and richer by providing formidable business and investing advice, with a decidedly Foolish bent. The firm offers variety of solutions to improve many areas of every investor’s financial life, including their investment portfolio, personal finances, real estate holdings, company, and career. It believes in keeping score and being transparent regarding the firm’s investment performance.

The Ownership Portfolio

The Motley Fool


The Motley Fool

IPO Trailblazers

The Motley Fool

Motley Fool Pro

The Motley Fool

Cloud Disruptors 2020

The Motley Fool

Future of Entertainment

The Motley Fool

Next-Gen Supercycle

The Motley Fool

Stock Advisor

The Motley Fool

Marijuana Masters

The Motley Fool

Motley Fool Options

The Motley Fool

Rule Breakers

The Motley Fool

The firm's name is in homage to the one character in Shakespearean literature — the court jester — who could speak the truth to the king and queen without having his or her head lopped off. The Fools of yore entertained the court with humor that instructed as it amused. More importantly, the Fool was never afraid to question conventional wisdom.