Adam Galas

Adam Galas

Formal First Name

Better known as Dividend Sensei, Adam Galas has become known for his dividend strategy and his approach to the sector. He is an Army veteran who holds 18 years of experience with investing. His goal is to help all people learn how to harness the awesome power of dividend growth investing to achieve their financial dreams and enrich their lives. Galas has a passion for small to medium sized dividend stocks. He is working on a portfolio that combines both medium to high yield investments with faster growing dividend growth names to generate maximum total returns over a period of several decades.

Beginning at the age of 12, Galas’ father taught him about investing and the power of compounding. He invested his life savings in tech stocks right before the Nasdaq bubble burst and learned a valuable lesson about diversification and the importance of valuation. Since that time, he dabbled in day trading, commodities, currency and speculative options