

Retirement refers to the withdrawal from one's position or occupation or from one's active working life. One can achieve retirement when you have sources of income that do not have to be earned by working. As retirement and financial independence come in pair, both are achieved through savings and investment income, an increasing number of individuals are choosing to put off this point of total retirement, by selecting to exist in the emerging state of pre-tirement. It's important to understand the difference between retirement planning, financial planning, and investment advice.

Asset Classes

Treasury Inflation-Protected Securities


Financial Sense Wealth Management
2050 Wealth Partners
AE Wealth Management
AXA Advisors, LLC
Advanced Capital Group
Advantage Gold
America First Credit Union
Andrew Marshall Financial
Artifex Financial Group
Ashton Thomas Private Wealth
Avondale Investment Management
BBR Partners
Bahl & Gaynor
Bankers Trust
Banyan Hill Publishing
Blankenship Financial Planning
Bleakley Financial Group
Brenton Point Wealth Advisors
Brouwer & Janachowski
Buckingham Strategic Wealth
Capital Economics
Capstone Wealth Partners
Carroll Financial
Carson Wealth
Carver Financial Services
Cassaday & Company, Inc.
Century Management Financial Advisors
Cerity Partners
Cetera Advisor Networks
Charles Schwab & Co.
Check Capital Management
Churchill Management Group
Clan Capital
Clear Harbor Asset Management
Collins Investment Group
Compound Planning
Contrarian Outlook
Creative Planning
D.B. Root & Company
D.K. Brede Investment Management
DeYoe Wealth Management
Define Financial
Douglas C. Lane & Associates
Ed Slott and Company
Edelman Financial Engines
Endowment Wealth Management
Evergreen Gavekal
Fairpoint Wealth Management
Farr, Miller & Washington
Fidelity Institutional Asset Management
Fidelity Investments
Flagship Harbor Advisors
Forge Global
Fort Washington Investment Advisors
Fox Business
Franklin Templeton Investments
Fulcrum Financial Group, LLC
FundX Investment Group
GFM Asset Management
Gertsema Wealth Advisors
Gibson Capital, LLC
Gitterman Wealth Management
Global Retirement Partners
Granite Hill Capital Management
Guild Investment Management
Hayden Royal
Heritage Financial Services
Hightower Advisors
Inspira Financial
Institute of Business & Finance
Investment Counsel Company
Investments & Wealth Instituteā„¢
Iron Gate Global Advisors
JK Investment Group
Jacques Financial
Janney Montgomery Scott
John G. Ullman & Associates, Inc.
Johnson Investment Counsel
KKOS Lawyers
Kaplan Financial
LPL Financial
Lake Avenue Financial
Lange Financial Group
Leede Jones Gable
Legal & General
Life Planning Partners
MG&A Wealth
Main Street Asset Management LLC
Mainstay Capital Management
Mariner Wealth Advisors
Massey & Associates
McGee Wealth Management
McLean Asset Management
Mercer Advisors
Money Map Press
Montag & Caldwell
NCA Financial Planners
Napkin Finance
National Association of Personal Financial Advisors
National Institute for Cannabis Investors
New Street Advisors Group
Newport Capital Group
Northern Trust
Obermeyer Wood Investment Counsel
Objective Capital Management
One Capital Management
Oppenheimer & Co.
Origin Wealth Advisers
PHP Agency
PWL Capital
Paul R. Ried Financial Group
Pension Dynamics Company
Pivotal Advisors
Pomp Investments
Pring Turner Capital Group
Puckett & Sturgill Financial Group
RBC Wealth Management
RIA Advisors
Retirement Researcher
Ritholtz Wealth Management
Rocklinc Investment Partners
Royal Crown Wealth Management
Royce Investment Partners
STRATA Trust Company
SWS Partners
Schechter Wealth
Sensible Money
Signature Estate & Investment Advisors
Silvercrest Asset Management Group
Simone Zajac Wealth Management Group
Simply Safe Dividends
Sizemore Capital Management
SlateStone Wealth
Snowden Lane Partners
St. James's Place Wealth Management
Sungarden Investment Management
Swiss Hill Advisors
T. Rowe Price
TSG Wealth Management
Teacher Retirement System of Texas
Teachers Insurance and Annuity Association
The Bahnsen Group
The Mather Group
The Motley Fool
Treussard Capital Management
Tycuda Group
Vailshire Capital Management
Venturi Private Wealth
Wealth Enhancement Group
Wells Fargo Asset Management
Wilmington Trust
eQRP Co.
myCIO Wealth Partners
oXYGen Financial


Aaron Marks
Aaron Romain
Abraham Cecena
Adam Butler
Adam Carlin
Adam Fortuna
Adam Goldstein
Adam Mesh
Alejandro Reyes
Alex Chalekian
Alex Pollock
Ali Panahpour
Allison Schrager
Amanda Han
Amlan Roy
Andrew Hinkle
Andy Schwartz
Angela Gingras
Angelo Robles
Barry Glassman
Bernie Kent
Bert Schweizer
Bill King
Bill Stash
Bill Winterberg
Blair DuQuesnay
Bob Coleman
Bob Collins
Bob Froehlich
Bob Powell
Bob Stone
Brad Sherman
Brian Cooke
Brian Frank
Brian Hunsaker
Brian McGough
Bruce Burrows
Carrie Schwab-Pomerantz
Charles Day
Charles Noble III
Charles Zhang
Cheryl Young
Chris Cooke
Chris DeHaemer
Chris Reining
Christina Boyd
Christine Hurtsellers
Christopher Jones
Chuck Bean
Chuck Carnevale
Colleen Jaconetti
Corey Westphal
Craig Pfeiffer
Damion Lupo
Dan Arnold
Dan Bortolotti
Dan Lok
Dan Morris
Dana Anspach
Dana Stewardson
Daniel Want
Daniel Zajac
Daren Alcantar
Darrell Pennington
Darren Harp
David Bahnsen
David Bieber
David Chang
David Eifrig
David Krejca
David Kudla
David Lees
David McKnight
David Root
David Scarpello
David Singer
Dean Trindle
Debra Brede
Don d'Adesky
Doug Kinsey
Doyle Shuler
Ed Slott
Edwin Choi
Eli Rauch
Ellen Safir
Elliott Kugel
Eric Kittner
Erin Scannell
Esther Duflo
Fielding Miller
Frank Serebrin
Gary Liska
Geoff White
George Papadoyannis
George Peacock
Gerry Klingman
Glen Strauss
Glenn Degenaars
Gordon Pape
Greg Franks
Greg Heller
Greg Smith
Harry Clark
Hildy Richelson
Ivan Barretto
J Mintzmyer
Jack Bogle
Jacqueline Willens
James Dondero
James Lange
Jane Bryant Quinn
Jared Kizer
Jason Stephens
Jay JanƩr
Jeff Colin
Jeff Erdmann
Jeff Gitterman
Jeff Grinspoon
Jeff Leventhal
Jeff Massey
Jeff Price
Jeff Rose
Jeff Ross
Jeff Schulze
Jeffrey Becker
Jeffrey Kleintop
Jenny Harrington
Jim Bell
Jim Blankenship
Jim Detterick
Jim Leech
Jim McLaughlin
Jim Puplava
Jimmy Mengel
Joe Jacques
Joe Messinger
Joe Montgomery
Johanna Walters
John Barrett
John Olson
John Thomas
Jonathan Beukelman
Jonathan DeYoe
Jonathan Murray
Jonathan Wellum
Jordan Waxman
Joseph Sheeley
Josh Brown
Josh Holt
Josh Levine
Kai Stinchcombe
Kathy Jones
Kelli Click
Kevin Kinzie
Kevin Myeroff
Kevin Peters
Kirk Spano
Kristina Hooper
Kristy Shen
Kurt Miscinski
Laila Pence
Lance Roberts
Larry Carroll
Larry Raffone
Larry Swedroe
Laura Shin
Lazetta Braxton
Lee Robertson
Leo Stevenson
Liz Ann Sonders
Louis Barajas
Louis Navellier
Lyle Wolberg
Marc Lichtenfeld
Margaret Starner
Maria Bruno
Marie Dzanis
Mark Anson
Mark Cortazzo
Mark Curtis
Mark Schulten
Mark Smith
Mark Thorndyke
Martin Halbfinger
Marty Bicknell
Mary Mullin
Matt Bohlsen
Matt Kircher
Matt Ran
Max Peckler
Mel Lagomasino
Mel Lindauer
Melissa Corrado-Harrison
Michael Farr
Michael Finke
Michael Poppo
Michele Cagan
Mike Alfred
Mike Heroux
Mike Philbrick
Mike Piper
Mike Ricca
Mike Sawyer
Miles Clyne
Mitch Stein
Mohamed Eldawy
Morgan Paxhia
Morgen Rochard
Moss Crosby
Neal Frankle
Neal Triplett
Neil Gilliss
Nick Gertsema
Nilus Mattive
Noreen Beaman
Patrick Bet-David
Patti Brennan
Paul Ried
Paul Tanner
Perry Chappell
Peter Bermont
Peter Mallouk
Phil Hartl
Philip Kessler
Phillip Toews
Preston Cherry
Rachel Lacey
Raj Bhatia
Raj Pathak
Ramsey Smith
Randy Carver
Randy Garcia
Randy Swan
Rebecca Rothstein
Ric Edelman
Rich Abrams
Rich Saperstein
Rita Cheng
Rita Lee
Rob Riedl
Rob Siracusano
Roger Wohlner
Ron Stenger
Royce Running
Russell Wild
Ryan Sprowls
Scott Couto
Scott Tiras
Scott Van Den Berg
Scott Wilson
Scott Wood
Sean Dillon
Sean Stannard-Stockton
Shane Brisbin
Shane Oliver
Shannon Eusey
Sharon Oberlander
Shawn Allen
Shawn Rubin
Shirl Penney
Shlomo Benartzi
Simon Hamilton
Sonny Kothari
Sophia Bera
Stephanie Pierce
Stephen Janachowski
Stephen Perry
Steve Butler
Steve Pischke
Steve Weinberger
Steven Van Metre
Stewart Mather
Susan Williams
Suze Orman
Taylor Schulte
Ted Davis
Ted Jenkin
Ted Siedle
Ted Snow
Teresa Ghilarducci
Terrell Gates
Terri Jacobsen
Thomas Herold
Tiffany McGhee
Tim Pagliara
Timothy Higgins
Todd Battaglia
Todd Silaika
Tom Florence
Tom Gardner
Tom Vacheron
Tommy McBride
Van Tharp
Vince DiLullo
Wade Pfau
Wally Obermeyer
William Sharpe


A Medicare Owner's Manual
A Million Is Not Enough
A Social Security Owner's Manual
An IRA Owner's Manual
Automatic Income Machine
Barbara Friedberg Personal Finance
Be Your Own Boss
Biglaw Investor
BlackRock Blog
Broke Millennial Takes On Investing
Cabot Dividend Investor
Can I Retire?
Cashing in on Covered Calls
Common Sense
Contrarian Income Report
Control Your Retirement Destiny
Crash Proof
Daniel Zajac Blog
Dave Ramsey's CORE Financial Wellness
Debt Free For Life
Dividend Growth Rocks
Ed Slott's IRA Advisor
Ed Slott's Retirement Decisions Guide
F.U. Money
Finance and Philosophy
Financial Secrets of My Wealthy Grandparents
Fry's Investment Report
Fund Your Future
Get What's Yours
Getting Your Financial Ducks In A Row
Good Financial Cents
High Yield Landlord
How Much Money Do I Need to Retire?
How To Get Rich; Without Winning the Lottery
How To Invest In Gold And Silver
How to Make Your Money Last
How to Make a Fortune from the Biggest Market Opportunities in U.S.History
How to Retire Rich
How to Retire on Dividends
How to Retire with Enough Money
Independent Contractor, Sole Proprietor, and LLC Taxes
Intelligent Income
Invesco Blog
Invest Safely
Invest and Beat the Pros
Investing Made Simple
Investing QuickStart Guide
Investing in Your 20s and 30s For Dummies
It Pays to Talk
Jason Bond Picks
Learn to Earn
Long Run Income
Look Before You LIRP
Mad Fientist
Massey on Money
Mindful Money
Mindful Money
Money Map Report
Money Morning
More Than Enough
Mutual Fund Mastery
My Stock Market Basics
Napkin Finance
New Guide to Financial Independence
Oblivious Investor
Of Dollars And Data
One Hour Investor
One Year to an Organized Financial Life
Optimize Your Retirement
Parlay Your IRA Into a Family Fortune
Pay for College Without Sacrificing Your Retirement
Personal Finance After 50 For Dummies
Personal Finance Desk Reference
Personal Finance Terms
Personal Finance at Your Fingertips
Plan Your Prosperity
Portable Pension Plans for Casual Labor Markets
Profitable Investing
Quit Like a Millionaire
Real Investment Advice
Real Life, Real Money
Rescue Your Money
Rescuing Retirement
Retire Before Dad
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Retirement 101
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Retirement Millionaire
Retirement Planning Guidebook
Retirement Planning QuickStart Guide
Retirement for Dummies
Rich Dad's Prophecy
Richer Than A Millionaire
Save More Tomorrow
Secrets of Canadian Top Performers
Set for Life
SmallIvy Book of Investing
Smart Couples Finish Rich
Social Security Made Simple
Sovereign Man: Confidential
Spend 'Til the End
Stansberry Venture Technology
Start Over, Finish Rich
Stay Mad for Life
Stay Rich for Life!
Stock Market for Beginners Paycheck Freedom
Stock Sequence Trader
Strategic Trader
Streetwise Retirement Planning
Sustainable Wealth
The 3% Signal
The 4 Hour Workweek
The 4% Rule and Safe Withdrawal Rates In Retirement
The Aftershock Investor
The Amazing Covered Call
The Automatic Millionaire
The Barefoot Investor
The Barefoot Retirement Plan
The Best Investment Writing
The Bogleheads' Guide to Investing
The Bogleheads' Guide to Retirement Planning
The Book on Advanced Tax Strategies
The Chicago Financial Planner
The Clash of the Cultures
The Complete Idiot's Guide to Social Security
The Courage to be Rich
The Dividend Hunter
The Easy VIX
The Elements of Investing
The Emergence of Numerical Weather Prediction
The Equity Risk Premium
The Financial Advisor to Building Wealth
The Fund Industry
The High Income Factor
The Index Fund Solution
The Investor's Manifesto
The Lies About Money
The Little Book of Common Sense Investing
The Little Book of Money
The Millennial Money Fix
The Millionaire Next Door
The Money Answer Book
The Money Class
The Motley Fool Investment Workbook
The Motley Fool Personal Finance Workbook
The New Retirement Savings Time Bomb
The New Rules of Money
The Only Investment Guide You'll Ever Need
The Only Math Book You'll Ever Need
The Oxford Income Letter
The Power of Zero
The Relaxing Retirement Formula
The Retirement Savings Time Bomb... and How to Defuse It
The Ric Edelman Show
The Road to Wealth
The Simple Path to Wealth
The Small Investor
The Tax and Legal Playbook
The Total Money Makeover
The Truth About Money
The Truth about Retirement Plans and IRAs
The Ultimate Retirement Guide for 50+
The Wealth Advisory
Thinking Smarter
Trading Options
Vanguard Blog
Wealth Pilgrim
Wealth of Experience
Wealthy Retirement
What Every Fidelity Investor Needs to Know
When I'm Sixty-Four
While America Aged
Who Stole My Pension?
Wise Investing Made Simpler
Working After Retirement For Dummies
Yield Hunting
You Don't Have to Drive an Uber in Retirement
You're Fifty - Now What?
You're Retired...Now What?
You've Earned It, Don't Lose It
Your Complete Guide to a Successful & Secure Retirement
Your Complete Retirement Planning Road Map
Your Smart Money Moves


Dividend Investing


Dividend Kings
Financial Planning
Individual Retirement Account
Investment Management
Pension Fund
Personal Finance
Wealth Management

Aaron Marks

Aaron Romain

Abraham Cecena

Adam Butler

Adam Carlin

Adam Fortuna

Adam Goldstein

Adam Mesh

Alejandro Reyes

Alex Chalekian

Alex Pollock

Ali Panahpour

Allison Schrager

Amanda Han

Amlan Roy

Andrew Hinkle

Andy Schwartz

Angela Gingras

Angelo Robles

Barry Glassman

Bernie Kent

Bert Schweizer

Bill King

Bill Stash

Bill Winterberg

Blair DuQuesnay

Bob Coleman

Bob Collins

Bob Froehlich

Bob Powell

Bob Stone

Brad Sherman

Brian Cooke

Brian Frank

Brian Hunsaker

Brian McGough

Bruce Burrows

Carrie Schwab-Pomerantz

Charles Day

Charles Noble III

Charles Zhang

Cheryl Young

Chris Cooke

Chris DeHaemer

Chris Reining

Christina Boyd

Christine Hurtsellers

Christopher Jones

Chuck Bean

Chuck Carnevale

Colleen Jaconetti

Corey Westphal

Craig Pfeiffer

Damion Lupo

Dan Arnold

Dan Bortolotti

Dan Lok

Dan Morris

Dana Anspach

Dana Stewardson

Daniel Want

Daniel Zajac

Daren Alcantar

Darrell Pennington

Darren Harp

David Bahnsen

David Bieber

David Chang

David Eifrig

David Krejca

David Kudla

David Lees

David McKnight

David Root

David Scarpello

David Singer

Dean Trindle

Debra Brede

Don d'Adesky

Doug Kinsey

Doyle Shuler

Ed Slott

Edwin Choi

Eli Rauch

Ellen Safir

Elliott Kugel

Eric Kittner

Erin Scannell

Esther Duflo

Fielding Miller

Frank Serebrin

Gary Liska

Geoff White

George Papadoyannis

George Peacock

Gerry Klingman

Glen Strauss

Glenn Degenaars

Gordon Pape

Greg Franks

Greg Heller

Greg Smith

Harry Clark

Hildy Richelson

Ivan Barretto

J Mintzmyer

Jack Bogle

Jacqueline Willens

James Dondero

James Lange

Jane Bryant Quinn

Jared Kizer

Jason Stephens

Jay JanƩr

Jeff Colin

Jeff Erdmann

Jeff Gitterman

Jeff Grinspoon

Jeff Leventhal

Jeff Massey

Jeff Price

Jeff Rose

Jeff Ross

Jeff Schulze

Jeffrey Becker

Jeffrey Kleintop

Jenny Harrington

Jim Bell

Jim Blankenship

Jim Detterick

Jim Leech

Jim McLaughlin

Jim Puplava

Jimmy Mengel

Joe Jacques

Joe Messinger

Joe Montgomery

Johanna Walters

John Barrett

John Olson

John Thomas

Jonathan Beukelman

Jonathan DeYoe

Jonathan Murray

Jonathan Wellum

Jordan Waxman

Joseph Sheeley

Josh Brown

Josh Holt

Josh Levine

Kai Stinchcombe

Kathy Jones

Kelli Click

Kevin Kinzie

Kevin Myeroff

Kevin Peters

Kirk Spano

Kristina Hooper

Kristy Shen

Kurt Miscinski

Laila Pence

Lance Roberts

Larry Carroll

Larry Raffone

Larry Swedroe

Laura Shin

Lazetta Braxton

Lee Robertson

Leo Stevenson

Liz Ann Sonders

Louis Barajas

Louis Navellier

Lyle Wolberg

Marc Lichtenfeld

Margaret Starner

Maria Bruno

Marie Dzanis

Mark Anson

Mark Cortazzo

Mark Curtis

Mark Schulten

Mark Smith

Mark Thorndyke

Martin Halbfinger

Marty Bicknell

Mary Mullin

Matt Bohlsen

Matt Kircher

Matt Ran

Max Peckler

Mel Lagomasino

Mel Lindauer

Melissa Corrado-Harrison

Michael Farr

Michael Finke

Michael Poppo

Michele Cagan

Mike Alfred

Mike Heroux

Mike Philbrick

Mike Piper

Mike Ricca

Mike Sawyer

Miles Clyne

Mitch Stein

Mohamed Eldawy

Morgan Paxhia

Morgen Rochard

Moss Crosby

Neal Frankle

Neal Triplett

Neil Gilliss

Nick Gertsema

Nilus Mattive

Noreen Beaman

Patrick Bet-David

Patti Brennan

Paul Ried

Paul Tanner

Perry Chappell

Peter Bermont

Peter Mallouk

Phil Hartl

Philip Kessler

Phillip Toews

Preston Cherry

Rachel Lacey

Raj Bhatia

Raj Pathak

Ramsey Smith

Randy Carver

Randy Garcia

Randy Swan

Rebecca Rothstein

Ric Edelman

Rich Abrams

Rich Saperstein

Rita Cheng

Rita Lee

Rob Riedl

Rob Siracusano

Roger Wohlner

Ron Stenger

Royce Running

Russell Wild

Ryan Sprowls

Scott Couto

Scott Tiras

Scott Van Den Berg

Scott Wilson

Scott Wood

Sean Dillon

Sean Stannard-Stockton

Shane Brisbin

Shane Oliver

Shannon Eusey

Sharon Oberlander

Shawn Allen

Shawn Rubin

Shirl Penney

Shlomo Benartzi

Simon Hamilton

Sonny Kothari

Sophia Bera

Stephanie Pierce

Stephen Janachowski

Stephen Perry

Steve Butler

Steve Pischke

Steve Weinberger

Steven Van Metre

Stewart Mather

Susan Williams

Suze Orman

Taylor Schulte

Ted Davis

Ted Jenkin

Ted Siedle

Ted Snow

Teresa Ghilarducci

Terrell Gates

Terri Jacobsen

Thomas Herold

Tiffany McGhee

Tim Pagliara

Timothy Higgins

Todd Battaglia

Todd Silaika

Tom Florence

Tom Gardner

Tom Vacheron

Tommy McBride

Van Tharp

Vince DiLullo

Wade Pfau

Wally Obermeyer

William Sharpe

Saving For Retirement

  • Some estimate that you'll need 80% of your current income during retirement
  • Some estimate that you can use 4% of your savings each year in retirement (without going broke)