James Lange is a nationally-acclaimed Roth IRA expert, bestselling author, and President of three interrelated companies that provide financial services to IRA and retirement plan owners, including Lange Financial Group, LLC. Jim has over 40 years of retirement and estate planning experience. He created The Roth IRA Institute—offering professionals in the industry advice and recommendations. His proof of the tax and estate planning advantages of Roth IRA conversions has been peer-reviewed by the top tax journal of the American Institute of CPAs. Jim is a Forbes Contributor on Retirement, and his books have received glowing testimonials from Charles Scwab, Larry King, Jane Bryant Quinn, Bob Keebler, and many more.
James Lange Professional Experience / Academic History
Professional Experience
Academic History
Jim's tax and estate planning strategies have been endorsed by The Wall Street Journal over 30 times.
He has been featured at Newsweek, Money, Smart Money, Reader’s Digest, Bottom Line, and Kiplinger’s, among others.
He has been featured on CNN, CBS, MSNBC, Financial Planning Magazine, and the Wall Street Journal, among others.
The IRA and Retirement Plan Owner’s Guide to Beating the New Death Tax: 6 Proven Strategies to Protect Your Family from The SECURE Act
Retirement Plan Owner’s Guide to Beating the New Death Tax
The $214,000 Mistake: How to Double Your Social Security & Maximize Your IRAs, Proven Strategies for Couples Ages 62-70
Retire Secure! A Guide to Getting the Most Out of What You’ve Got
Retire Secure! Pay Taxes Later
The Roth Revolution – Pay Taxes Once and Never Again
Live Gay, Retire Rich
The Ultimate Retirement and Estate Plan for Your Million-Dollar IRA