Roger Wohlner is a financial and business writer who brings his extensive experience as a financial advisor to his writing. He writes on a full range of financial planning related topics including all aspects of personal finance and business insurance. He writes blog posts, articles, white papers, and content for newsletters and email campaigns, as well as marketing copy. Roger contributes to his own popular finance blog, The Chicago Financial Planner, where he writes about issues concerning financial planning, investments and retirement plans. He also ghostwrites extensively for financial advisors, financial services providers and investment managers. Prior to working as a financial writer and advisor, Roger held a number of corporate financial positions with several companies.
Roger Wohlner Professional Experience / Academic History
Professional Experience
Academic History
Roger is fluent on a wide range of financial topics, including financial planning, investments, business banking and credit, retirement planning, mutual funds, ETFs, 401(k), and pensions.
He also writes about other employer sponsored retirement plans, planning issues for baby boomers, millennials, and Gen X, and content geared for financial advisors and retirement plan sponsors.
His experience as a financial advisor includes helping clients evaluate their personal insurance needs and in some cases helping them obtain the coverage needed.
He was a Financial Advisor and Consultant at Asset Strategy Consultants for 16 years.
Before that, he was a Division Controller at Thomson Newspapers.
He was a Financial Analyst at Leaf and Western Publishing.
His work has been featured in various financial media outlets and publications, including Business Insider, TIME, Morningstar Magazine, Go Banking Rates, and U.S. News & World Report.
His work has also appeared in MarketWatch, TheStreet, Investopedia, Yahoo! Finance, The Motley Fool,, and numerous other sites.