
Banking - Industry

The Banking industry deals with the section of the economy devoted to the holding of financial assets for others and investing those financial assets as a leveraged way to create more wealth. It is an industry that handles cash, credit, and other financial transactions, including regulation of banking activities by government agencies, insurance, mortgages, investor services, and credit cards. As it plays as one of the key drivers of a country’s economy, it provides the liquidity needed for families and businesses to invest in the future. The most prevalent trend in the banking industry today is the shift to digital, specifically mobile and online banking. This digital transformation has led to increased competition from tech startups, as well as consolidation of smaller banks and startups.


Credit Cards


Banking System
Interest Rate

Mentioned by the Following


AXA Advisors, LLC
Abu Dhabi Global Market
Ally Invest
America First Credit Union
Ameriprise Financial
Ashika Group
Ashton Thomas Private Wealth
Avantgarde Finance
BMO Capital Markets
BNP Paribas
BNP Paribas S.A.
Bank Policy Institute
Bank of America
Barclays Investment Bank
Boston Private
Brenton Point Wealth Advisors
Bryn Mawr Trust
California Alternative Investments Association
Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce
Chapman and Cutler
Clocktower Technology Ventures
Cowen Inc.
Cresset Capital
DC Advisory
Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta
Federal Reserve Bank of Boston
Fidelity National Information Services
FinTech Collective
Financial Select Sector SPDR Fund
First Republic
Fortress Investment Group
Inca Digital
J. Stern & Co.
JP Morgan Chase & Co
KUNA Exchange
Kidder, Peabody & Co.
Kirchner Group
LPL Financial
MacAndrews & Forbes
Macquarie Group
Mastercard Data & Services
Moorad Choudhry Financial
Napkin Finance
Northern Trust
Odyssey Capital Advisors
Perfect Relations
Peterson Institute for International Economics
Polish Financial Supervision Authority
Prime Trust
RBC Wealth Management
Raymond James Financial
ReD Associates
Riemer & Braunstein
Robertson Stephens
Rosenblatt Securities
Schechter Wealth
Shearman & Sterling
Sidar Global Ventures
Sling Money
Snowden Lane Partners
Standard Chartered PLC
Steel Partners Holdings
Sygnum Bank
The Fortune Teller
UMB Fund Services
United Arab Bank
Venturi Private Wealth
Weiss Ratings
Wells Fargo
William Blair & Company

Entity Types

Financial Services


2008 Financial Crisis




Aaron Brown
Aaron Dykas
Abradat Kamalpour
Adair Turner
Adam Carlin
Adam Mead
Adena Hefets
Alan Boyce
Alan Lane
Alan Snyder
Alan Zafran
Alberto Bacó-Bagué
Alberto Gallo
Alex Batlin
Alex Knaster
Alex Pollock
Amlan Roy
Andrea Paltrinieri
Andrew Irvine
André Perold
Andy Beal
Angela Gingras
Aniket Ullal
Anthony DeChellis
Atul Varma
Austin Campbell
Baijnath Ramraika
Basil Karatzas
Ben Whitby
Bill Barhydt
Bill Erbey
Bill Gunderson
Bill Nelson
Brian Higgins
Brian McGough
Brian Reynolds
Bruce Lowthers
Bruce Mumford
Bruce Munster
Bruce Pon
Bruno Pannetier
Bundeep Singh Rangar
Burt Malkiel
Cameron Dawson
Charles Gasparino
Charley Grant
Chris Vogelzang
Chris Whalen
Christian Ulbrich
Christina Boyd
Claudio Borio
Cormac Leech
Craig Pfeiffer
Damian Paletta
Damien Buchet
Dan Alpert
Dan Sondhelm
Daniel Cohen
Daniel Fries
Danielle Booth
Dario Perkins
Darrell Duffie
Darryl White
David Andolfatto
David Bonderman
David Casper
David Enrich
David Higgins
David Hou
David Martin
David Riegelnig
David Rubenstein
David Woo
David Zornitsky
Debashish Bose
Deepak Shenoy
Delano Saporu
Dennis Chen
Dennis Lockhart
Dinny McMahon
Douglas Borthwick
E.J. Antoni
Ed Conway
Ed Harrison
Edward Symons
Elaine Meyers
Ellen Alemany
Eric Gray
Eric Rosengren
Erik Conley
Eva Beylin
Ezra Zask
Fabian Schär
Frances Coppola
Francesca Taylor
Frank Holding Jr.
G. Edward Griffin
Gareth Murphy
Garett Lim
Gary Norcross
George Hicks
Gerald Jensen
Gordon Johnson
Grant Williams
Greg Franks
Harold Trischman
Helen Thomas
Hope Bryant
Irene Finel-Honigman
James Elbaor
James Murphy
Jan Brzeski
Jan Vlietstra
Jay Soloff
Jeanna Smialek
Jeff Horowitz
Jeffrey Christian
Jim Bantis
Joanna Zeng
Joe Karas
John Bowman
John Heins
John Jannarone
John Turner
Jon Sandelman
Jonas Thulin
Jordan Kotick
Joseph Calandro Jr
Joseph Wang
Josh Holt
Josh Rosner
Jurgen Muhlhauser
Justin Guilder
Karen Berman
Karen Petrou
Kate Kelly
Kay Van-Petersen
Keith Mullin
Kelly King
Ken Monahan
Kent Kirby
Kevin Warsh
Khalid Quadir
Kiril Sokoloff
Lance Roberts
Lars Seier Christensen
Laura Shin
Laurence Kotlikoff
Leo Kolivakis
Lev Menand
Lionel Paquin
Lone Fønss Schrøder
Luuk Strijers
Lyle LaMothe
Mac McQuown
Maitha Al Shamsi
Manmohan Singh
Marc Rubinstein
Marcelo Lopez
Marco Krohn
Mark Grant
Mark Valek
Martin Burgherr
Martin Friedman
Martin Wolf
Mary Callahan Erdoes
Mary Mullin
Matein Khalid
Matt Sirovich
Maureen Farrell
Meghan Shue
Mel Lagomasino
Mervyn King
Michael Barrington-Hibbert
Michael Boyd
Michael Clark
Michael Petley
Michael Pettis
Michael Pusateri
Michael Rubenstein
Michael Zeuner
Mike Corbat
Mike Gallagher
Mike Heroux
Mike Larson
Mike O'Grady
Minouche Shafik
Moorad Choudhry
Moriah Costa
Nancy Zambell
Neels Heyneke
Neeraj Gutgutia
Nicholas Callais
Nick Cowan
Nick Hudson
Nick Talwar
Nicolas Namias
Noel Quinn
Nomi Prins
Nuno de Sousa
Oliver Linch
Patrick Boyle
Patrick Hurley
Paul Kovarsky
Paul Pagnato
Paul Schulte
Paul Tucker
Paul Westra
Paulo Rodrigues
Pedro da Costa
Perry Mehrling
Peter Atwater
Peter Bristow
Peter Lacalamita
Peter Rohr
Philippe Bekhazi
Pierre Andurand
Prateek Mehrotra
Preston McSwain
Raghuram Rajan
Raj Vig
Randy Conner
Ray Merriman
Rebecca Patterson
Reza Zafari
Rich Apostolik
Richard Byrne
Richard Couch
Richard Duncan
Richard Fisher
Richard Jones
Richard Koo
Richard Sylla
Richard Vague
Richard Werner
Rida Morwa
Rob Mooney
Robert Lovett
Robert Sharratt
Roberto Sallouti
Roger Wacker
Ron Insana
Rory Cellan-Jones
Russell Jones
Russell Lamberti
Ryan Dinse
Sam Dunlap
Santiago Ulloa
Satyajit Das
Scott Robertson
Scott Sonenshein
Sebastian Mallaby
Serge Krancenblum
Seth Bernstein
Shane Oliver
Shannon McConaghy
Shannon Saccocia
Sheila Bair
Sid Powell
Simon Bowmaker
Simon Potter
Simon Ree
Simon White
Sopnendu Mohanty
Stephan Livera
Stephanie Ferris
Stephanie Pierce
Stephen Antczak
Stephen Brown
Stephen Squeri
Steve Brice
Steven Bavaria
Steven Goldstein
Steven Maijoor
Stijn Van Nieuwerburgh
Stu Alderoty
Sultan Meghji
Tania Reif
Ted Siedle
Ted Truscott
Thomas Gottstein
Thomas Herold
Thomas Hugger
Tim Johns
Todd Gibbons
Tom Gahan
Tom Hoenig
Tom Steyer
Victor Newsom
Victor Shih
Viktor Shvets
Vince DiLullo
Wai-Kwong Seck
Warren Mosler
William White
Yoshi Nakamura


13 Bankers
A Fighting Chance
America's Bank
An Introduction to Banking
Bail-ins and Bank Resolution in Europe
Bank Deregulation and Monetary Order
Banking On Financials
Banking in Crisis
Banking on the World
Banks & Banking Terms
Basic Finance
Central Banking 101
Competition and Finance
Corporate Financial Distress and Bankruptcy
Credit Derivatives
Credit Writedowns
Doing Business In China for Dummies
Factions and Finance in China
Finance and Philosophy
Financial Risk Analytics
Financial Stability Without Central Banks
Financial Words You Should Know
Fintech Blueprint
Global Repo Markets
High Financier
Houston Legends
How Privatized Banking Really Works
Investor Junkie
Laissez-Faire Banking
Laws & Regulations
Life in the Financial Markets
MEA Finance Magazine
Money Games
Naked Money
Nomad Capitalist
Oil, Dollars, Debt, and Crises
Personal Finance Desk Reference
Personal Finance at Your Fingertips
Stigum's Money Market
Student to CEO
Swap & Derivative Financing
The Chicago Plan and New Deal Banking Reform
The Dividend Machine
The End of Alchemy
The Federal Reserve and the Financial Crisis
The Five Rules for Successful Stock Investing
The Future of Finance
The Money Deception
The Money Markets Handbook
The Moorad Choudhry Anthology
The New York Money Market and the Finance of Trade, 1900-1913
The Ongoing Revolution in American Banking
The Principles of Banking
The World's Banker
Wall Street PR
Wall Street Stock Selector
Wealth Pilgrim
Your Smart Money Moves


Corporate Finance
Financial History
Investment Banking
Investment Management
Personal Finance

Aaron Brown

Aaron Dykas

Abradat Kamalpour

Adair Turner

Adam Carlin

Adam Mead

Adena Hefets

Alan Boyce

Alan Lane

Alan Snyder

Alan Zafran

Alberto Bacó-Bagué

Alberto Gallo

Alex Batlin

Alex Knaster

Alex Pollock

Amlan Roy

Andrea Paltrinieri

Andrew Irvine

André Perold

Andy Beal

Angela Gingras

Aniket Ullal

Anthony DeChellis

Atul Varma

Austin Campbell

Baijnath Ramraika

Basil Karatzas

Ben Whitby

Bill Barhydt

Bill Erbey

Bill Gunderson

Bill Nelson

Brian Higgins

Brian McGough

Brian Reynolds

Bruce Lowthers

Bruce Mumford

Bruce Munster

Bruce Pon

Bruno Pannetier

Bundeep Singh Rangar

Burt Malkiel

Cameron Dawson

Charles Gasparino

Charley Grant

Chris Vogelzang

Chris Whalen

Christian Ulbrich

Christina Boyd

Claudio Borio

Cormac Leech

Craig Pfeiffer

Damian Paletta

Damien Buchet

Dan Alpert

Dan Sondhelm

Daniel Cohen

Daniel Fries

Danielle Booth

Dario Perkins

Darrell Duffie

Darryl White

David Andolfatto

David Bonderman

David Casper

David Enrich

David Higgins

David Hou

David Martin

David Riegelnig

David Rubenstein

David Woo

David Zornitsky

Debashish Bose

Deepak Shenoy

Delano Saporu

Dennis Chen

Dennis Lockhart

Dinny McMahon

Douglas Borthwick

E.J. Antoni

Ed Conway

Ed Harrison

Edward Symons

Elaine Meyers

Ellen Alemany

Eric Gray

Eric Rosengren

Erik Conley

Eva Beylin

Ezra Zask

Fabian Schär

Frances Coppola

Francesca Taylor

Frank Holding Jr.

G. Edward Griffin

Gareth Murphy

Garett Lim

Gary Norcross

George Hicks

Gerald Jensen

Gordon Johnson

Grant Williams

Greg Franks

Harold Trischman

Helen Thomas

Hope Bryant

Irene Finel-Honigman

James Elbaor

James Murphy

Jan Brzeski

Jan Vlietstra

Jay Soloff

Jeanna Smialek

Jeff Horowitz

Jeffrey Christian

Jim Bantis

Joanna Zeng

Joe Karas

John Bowman

John Heins

John Jannarone

John Turner

Jon Sandelman

Jonas Thulin

Jordan Kotick

Joseph Calandro Jr

Joseph Wang

Josh Holt

Josh Rosner

Jurgen Muhlhauser

Justin Guilder

Karen Berman

Karen Petrou

Kate Kelly

Kay Van-Petersen

Keith Mullin

Kelly King

Ken Monahan

Kent Kirby

Kevin Warsh

Khalid Quadir

Kiril Sokoloff

Lance Roberts

Lars Seier Christensen

Laura Shin

Laurence Kotlikoff

Leo Kolivakis

Lev Menand

Lionel Paquin

Lone Fønss Schrøder

Luuk Strijers

Lyle LaMothe

Mac McQuown

Maitha Al Shamsi

Manmohan Singh

Marc Rubinstein

Marcelo Lopez

Marco Krohn

Mark Grant

Mark Valek

Martin Burgherr

Martin Friedman

Martin Wolf

Mary Callahan Erdoes

Mary Mullin

Matein Khalid

Matt Sirovich

Maureen Farrell

Meghan Shue

Mel Lagomasino

Mervyn King

Michael Barrington-Hibbert

Michael Boyd

Michael Clark

Michael Petley

Michael Pettis

Michael Pusateri

Michael Rubenstein

Michael Zeuner

Mike Corbat

Mike Gallagher

Mike Heroux

Mike Larson

Mike O'Grady

Minouche Shafik

Moorad Choudhry

Moriah Costa

Nancy Zambell

Neels Heyneke

Neeraj Gutgutia

Nicholas Callais

Nick Cowan

Nick Hudson

Nick Talwar

Nicolas Namias

Noel Quinn

Nomi Prins

Nuno de Sousa

Oliver Linch

Patrick Boyle

Patrick Hurley

Paul Kovarsky

Paul Pagnato

Paul Schulte

Paul Tucker

Paul Westra

Paulo Rodrigues

Pedro da Costa

Perry Mehrling

Peter Atwater

Peter Bristow

Peter Lacalamita

Peter Rohr

Philippe Bekhazi

Pierre Andurand

Prateek Mehrotra

Preston McSwain

Raghuram Rajan

Raj Vig

Randy Conner

Ray Merriman

Rebecca Patterson

Reza Zafari

Rich Apostolik

Richard Byrne

Richard Couch

Richard Duncan

Richard Fisher

Richard Jones

Richard Koo

Richard Sylla

Richard Vague

Richard Werner

Rida Morwa

Rob Mooney

Robert Lovett

Robert Sharratt

Roberto Sallouti

Roger Wacker

Ron Insana

Rory Cellan-Jones

Russell Jones

Russell Lamberti

Ryan Dinse

Sam Dunlap

Santiago Ulloa

Satyajit Das

Scott Robertson

Scott Sonenshein

Sebastian Mallaby

Serge Krancenblum

Seth Bernstein

Shane Oliver

Shannon McConaghy

Shannon Saccocia

Sheila Bair

Sid Powell

Simon Bowmaker

Simon Potter

Simon Ree

Simon White

Sopnendu Mohanty

Stephan Livera

Stephanie Ferris

Stephanie Pierce

Stephen Antczak

Stephen Brown

Stephen Squeri

Steve Brice

Steven Bavaria

Steven Goldstein

Steven Maijoor

Stijn Van Nieuwerburgh

Stu Alderoty

Sultan Meghji

Tania Reif

Ted Siedle

Ted Truscott

Thomas Gottstein

Thomas Herold

Thomas Hugger

Tim Johns

Todd Gibbons

Tom Gahan

Tom Hoenig

Tom Steyer

Victor Newsom

Victor Shih

Viktor Shvets

Vince DiLullo

Wai-Kwong Seck

Warren Mosler

William White

Yoshi Nakamura

  • Banks are impacted by interest rates
    • They lend to borrowers at long-term rates or floating rates
    • They borrow themselves at short-term rates
    • They earn a spread between the two (long-term rates are usually > short-term rates)
      • This spread is called "net interest margin)
      • Banks do better when the spread is larger (wider yield curve)
      • Banks do worse when the spread is tighter (flat yield curve)