Danielle DiMartino Booth is the Founder, CEO and Chief Strategist of Quill Intelligence, a research and analytics firm that publishes The Daily Feather and the Weekly Quill. At Quill, she leads a core team of investing veterans to analyze the trends and provide analysis on what is driving the markets. Booth is a global thought leader sought after globally for her expertise on monetary policy, economics and finance. In addition, she is a renowned business speaker, columnist, and commentator that offers a unique perspective to audiences seeking expertise in the financial markets, the economy, and the intersection of central banking and politics. She was the Founder of Money Strong, an economic consulting firm in 2015 where she has published a weekly newsletter for more than three years. Prior to that, she spent nine years at the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas as an advisor to President Richard W. Fisher until his retirement. She began her career in New York at Donaldson, Lufkin & Jenrette and Credit Suisse, where she worked fixed income and the public and private equity markets.
Danielle Booth Professional Experience / Academic History
Professional Experience
Academic History
Danielle is known for making bold predictions based on meticulous research and her extensive experience in central banking and on Wall Street.
She is known for predicting the housing bubble in the 2000s.
She is an expert in consumer credit issues, regulatory environment, the stock market, pension crisis, and oil and commodities markets.
She also has extensive expertise on forex and international e onomics and trade, housing data and trends, bond markets, and the banking industry.
Danielle's columns appear on Linked In, Seeking Alpha, Nasdaq, Talk Markets and dozens of other websites.
The Daily Feather has appeared in other financial sources such as Bloomberg, CNBC, Fox Business, Yahoo! Finance, Institutional Investor, and The Wall Street Journal.
Her commentary and data from her newsletters have also appeared in MarketWatch, Seeking Alpha, TD Ameritrade, TheStreet.com, and more.
She provided market intelligence and Policy Briefings and advised Fisher on policy, a unique role that did not exist outside the New York Fed prior to her appointment.
She advised policy makers on potential system risks building within the financial system.
She also spoke to national and global audiences on the origins of financial crises.
Danielle has been frequently featured on Fox News, CNBC, Bloomberg, BNN Bloomberg, Yahoo! Finance, and other major media outlets.
She has spoken at the Portfolio Management Institute in Newport Beach and the Global Interdependence Center in London, among others.
She has been a guest on Hedgeye TV multiple times.
She has also appeared as host and a guest on Real Vision.