Public Policy

Public Policy

Public policy factors into how decisions are made. It includes a system of laws, regulatory measures, courses of actions, and funding priorities concerning a given topic. Public policy also consists of processes of strategy selections, agenda, policy formulation, policy adoptions, and policy implementation. A means for the government to maintain order and address the needs of its citizens through actions defined by its constitution, Public policy is generally not a tangible thing but rather is a term used to describe a collection of laws, mandates, or regulations established through a political process.


Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld LLP
Bank Policy Institute
Eagle Financial Publications
Economist Intelligence Unit
Finance Scholar Group
Global Policy
Hudson Institute
Ironsides Macroeconomics
Milken Institute
Peterson Institute for International Economics
RAND Corporation
Sahm Consulting
The Brookings Institution
The Heritage Foundation
Three Cairns Group


Adam Posen
Adam Zarazinski
Agathe Demarais
Alex Thorn
Amity Schlaes
Andrew Whitworth
Aniket Shah
Ari Redbord
Arthur Brooks
Arthur Laffer
Ash Carter
Benjamin Friedman
Bill Black
Bill Nelson
Bob McNally
Brett Messing
Brett Quick
Carne Ross
Chris Brose
Chris Giancarlo
Chris Miller
Chris Painter
Christopher Sabatini
Claudia Sahm
Craig Stobo
Daniel Drezner
Daniel Lansberg-Rodriguez
Daniel Markey
Danielle Booth
David Adelman
David Duong
David Kilcullen
David Metzner
E.J. Antoni
Ed Harrison
Fareed Zakaria
Ian Bremmer
Jamil Jaffer
Jeff Prince
Jeffrey Sachs
Jimmy Soni
Joan Johnson-Freese
Joe Zhao
John Taylor
Jon Wolfsthal
Jonathan Ward
Josh Lipsky
Josh Rogin
Joshua Landis
Judy Shelton
Julia Friedlander
Julia Pollak
Kamran Bokhari
Kathy Kraninger
Kenneth Rogoff
Kevin Vallier
Kristin Smith
Larry Cunningham
Leah Wald
Lev Menand
Lowell Randel
Marc Rowan
Mark Campanale
Mark Gallogly
Mark Zandi
Marshall Kosloff
Marta Belcher
Matt Stoller
Miller Whitehouse-Levine
Minouche Shafik
Morgan Harper
Neil Howe
Niall Kishtainy
Nicholas Callais
Patrick McVeigh
Perianne Boring
Peter Zeihan
R.P. Eddy
Rachel Ziemba
Ramon DeGennaro
Renè Aninao
Robert Johnson
Rory Johnston
Rosie Collington
Saagar Enjeti
Sahil Bloom
Sal Mercogliano
Samuel Charap
Sanford Leeds
Scott Irwin
Seth Hertlein
Shehzad Qazi
Soner Cagaptay
Staci Warden
Stephen Cohen
Stephen Walt
Steve Hanke
Suriya Jayanti
Talmon Smith
Thomas Rid
Tom Emmer
Tomas Philipson
William White


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