Professor Jeffrey Prince is the Harold A. Poling Chair of Strategic Management and Professor and Chairperson of Business Economics and Public Policy at the Kelley School of Business at Indiana University. Professor Prince is a renowned empirical researcher on industrial organization and applied econometrics, with focus on technology markets and telecommunications. He recently served as Chief Economist at the Federal Communications Commission, where he worked closely on economic policy issues such as closing the digital divide and auction design and execution. He also frequently serves as an expert witness and has been retained in multiple high-profile matters. In addition, Professor Prince currently serves as a co-editor of the Journal of Economics and Management Strategy, and is on the board of editors at Information Economics and Policy.
Jeff Prince Professional Experience / Academic History
Professional Experience
Academic History
Professor Prince has studied topics such as household-level risk aversion, airline quality competition, and regulation in health care and real estate markets.
He has consulted to clients, submitted expert reports, and testified in litigation on issues related to intellectual property valuation, damages, and antitrust.
He has evaluated how firms compete on non-price attributes and the competitive effects of mergers in the airline industry.
He has published works on the dynamic demand for computers, internet adoption and usage, and the telecommunication bundling.
He has published journals such as the International Journal of Industrial Organization and Journal of Economics and Management Strategy.
His research has appeared in the Journal of Industrial Economics, Management Science, and the Academy of Management Journal.
His research has also been cited by the New York Times, Psychology Today, Reuters, and the Wall Street Journal.