

Econometrics is the quantitative application of mathematical and statistical models to develop theories or assess existing hypotheses in economics. It relies on techniques such as regression models and null hypothesis testing. It can also be used to try to forecast future economic or financial trends.


Market Forecasting
Mathematical Theories

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Henning Financial Services


Aaran Param
Aaron Brown
Alfonso Peccatiello
Amlan Roy
Amy Jaffe
Anas Alhajji
Andrei Shleifer
Andrew Lo
André Honig
Anna Wong
Avi Goldfarb
Ben Hunt
Benn Eifert
Bill Black
Brian Kelly
Caleb Franzen
Cam Harvey
Chiente Hsu
Chip Russell
Chris Balding
Claudia Sahm
Craig Mackinlay
Dan Ariely
Dan Jerrett
Daniel Ahn
David McWilliams
Davis Edwards
E.J. Antoni
Ed Woodford
Frank Fabozzi
Frederik Ducrozet
Freya Beamish
Gene Steuerle
George Akerlof
Giuseppe Paleologo
Harry Kaiser
Herbert Simon
Jake Keator
Jeff Prince
Jeff Currie
Jeffrey Christian
John Hussman
John Llewellyn
John Rutledge
Jose Maria Macedo
Joshua Angrist
Joshua Gans
Julia Pollak
Ken Gronbach
Kit Juckes
Lucrezia Reichlin
Luis Seco
Magdalena Polan
Manmohan Singh
Marco Aiolfi
Mark Skousen
Mark den Hollander
Martin Gruber
Matt Stephenson
Megan Greene
Mehul Daya
Michael Block
Michelle Meyer
Mihir Desai
Mike Drury
Moritz Heiden
Neil Dutta
Nick Maggiulli
Norman Wooding
Ophir Gottlieb
Ovie Faruq
Pavlina Tcherneva
Peter Berezin
Peter Van Valkenburgh
Pradeep Ravikumar
Ramon DeGennaro
Raphael Douady
Richard Werner
Robert Johnson
Robert Shiller
Rui de Figueiredo
Sahil Bloom
Sam Isaly
Samuel Rines
Savvas Savouri
Scott Irwin
Simon Ogus
Simon Potter
Stephen Brown
Stephen Miran
Steve Hanke
Steve Keen
Steve Pischke
Stijn Van Nieuwerburgh
Taimur Baig
Tomas Philipson
Wade Pfau
William Goetzmann
William White
Yaneer Bar-Yam
Yvan Berthoux


Fat-Tailed and Skewed Asset Return Distributions
Fractals and Scaling in Finance
Hedge Funds
Macroeconomic Policy in a World Economy
Mastering 'Metrics
Of Dollars And Data
Quantitative Equity Investing
Robust Portfolio Optimization and Management
The Basics of Financial Econometrics
The Mathematics of Financial Modeling and Investment Management


Financial Economics