Mastering 'Metrics

Mastering 'Metrics

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Mastering 'Metrics: The Path from Cause to Effect

Through accessible and whimsical discussion, Mastering 'Metrics presents the essential tools of econometric research and shows why econometrics is exciting and useful. Applied econometrics, known to aficionados as 'metrics, is the original data science. This practical and fun guide covers the statistical methods economists employ to unravel cause and effect in human business. It introduces the five most useful econometric methods called the Furious Five—random assignment, instrumental variables, regression, regression discontinuity designs, and differences in differences. Illustrated through well-crafted real-world examples, Mastering ‘Metrics will teach you how to wield econometric tools with skill and confidence.

"I would be hard pressed to name another econometrics book that can be read for enjoyment yet provides useful quantitative insights."

―M.S.R., Financial Analysts Journal

"The writing is lively and engaging, with quotes, anecdotes and jokes scattered throughout. . . . I have become a big fan of this new textbook, and I am thinking about how we can use it in our econometrics courses at the ANU. . . . In my view, the emphasis on thinking about parameters of interest and identification before discussing technical matters is a huge improvement on traditional teaching approaches. Instructors may have to spend more time preparing lectures and tutorials, but I predict significant benefits in terms of students' learning and appreciation of applied econometrics."

―Tue Gørgens, Economic Record

"Posing several well-chosen empirical questions in social science, Mastering 'Metrics develops methods to provide the answers and applies them to interesting datasets. This book will motivate beginning students to understand econometrics, with an appreciation of its strengths and limits."

―Gary Chamberlain, Harvard University

"Few fields of statistical inquiry have seen faster progress over the last several decades than causal inference. With an engaging, insightful style, Angrist and Pischke catch readers up on five powerful methods in this area. If you seek to make causal inferences, or understand those made by others, you will want to read this book as soon as possible."

―Gary King, Harvard University

"Focusing on five econometric tools, Mastering 'Metrics presents key econometric concepts. Any field that uses statistical techniques to conduct causal inference will find this book useful."

―Melvyn Weeks, University of Cambridge

"Modern econometrics is more than just a set of statistical tools―causal inference in the social sciences requires a careful, inquisitive mindset. Mastering 'Metrics is an engaging, fun, and highly accessible guide to the paradigm of causal inference."

―David Deming, Harvard University

"Written by true 'masters of 'metrics,' this book is perfect for those who wish to study this important subject. Using real-world examples and only elementary statistics, Angrist and Pischke convey the central methods of causal inference with clarity and wit."

―Hal Varian, chief economist at Google

"With humor and rigor, this book explores key approaches in applied econometrics. The authors present accessible, interesting examples―using data-heavy figures and graphic-style comics―to teach practitioners the intuition and statistical understanding they need to become masters of 'metrics. A must-read for anyone using data to investigate questions of causality!"

―Melissa S. Kearney, University of Maryland and the Brookings Institution

"This valuable book connects the dots between mathematical formulas, statistical methods, and real-world policy analysis. Reading it is like overhearing a conversation between two grumpy old men who happen to be economists―and I mean this in the best way possible."

―Andrew Gelman, Columbia University