Stijn Van Nieuwerburgh

Stijn Van Nieuwerburgh

Formal First Name

Stijn Van Nieuwerburgh is the Earle W. Kazis and Benjamin Schore Professor of Real Estate and Professor of Finance at Columbia Business School. His research lies at the intersection of housing, asset pricing, and macroeconomics. He also researches government debt and fiscal policy. Professor Van Nieuwerburgh started his career at New York University's Stern School of Business, where he was most recently David S. Loeb Professor of Finance. At NYU, he was also affiliated with the Center for Global Business and the Economy and the Marron Institute. He has served as an advisor to the Norwegian Minister of Finance, has been a visiting scholar in numerous central and federal reserve banks, and has contributed to the World Economic Forum project on real estate price dynamics. Professor Van Nieuwerburgh is also Editor at the Review of Financial Studies, and a Faculty Research Associate at the National Bureau of Economic Research and at the Center for European Policy Research.

Professional Experience

Academic History




  • He has published articles in the Journal of Political Economy, American Economic Review, Econometrica, and Review of Economic Studies.

  • He has been published in the Journal of Finance, Review of Financial Studies, Journal of Financial Economics, and the Journal of Monetary Economics, among others.

  • He has also appeared as a guest on Real Vision.