

An economy is the large set of interrelated production and consumption activities that aid in determining how scarce resources are allocated. The production and consumption of goods and services are used to fulfill the needs of those living and operating within the economy, which is also referred to as an economic system. An economy applies to everyone from individuals to entities such as corporations and governments. The economy of a particular region or country is governed by its culture, laws, history, and geography, among other factors, and it evolves due to necessity. For this reason, no two economies are identical.


Agora Financial
Bear Stearns
CrossBorder Capital
DSG Asia Limited
Euro Pacific Capital
Mehlman Castagnetti Rosen & Thomas
O'Reilly Media
Peterson Institute for International Economics
Simon Hunt Strategic Services
Stockholm Environment Institute
TPW Investment Management
The Academic-Industry Research Network


Adam Baratta
Anatole Kaletsky
Axel Merk
Chad Morganlander
Chris Hamilton
John Mauldin
Loretta Napoleoni
Paul Hodges
Paul Mladjenovic
Philip Haydn-Slater
Simon Ogus
Stephen Roach
Steve Auth
Tidjane Thiam
Walter Stahel
Willem Middelkoop


...and Forgive Them Their Debts
A Banquet of Consequences
A Bubble That Broke The World
A Time to Be Rich
A Wealth of Common Sense
After Normal
American Abundance
American Gridlock
App Economy Portfolio
Avoiding the Fall
Beyond the Keynesian Endpoint
BlackRock Blog
Breakfast with Dave
Calculated Risk
Can We Avoid Another Financial Crisis?
Casey Daily Dispatch
China's Urban Billion
Cocktail Investing
Common Sense
Credit Writedowns
Developing an Economics for the Post-Crisis World
Economic Analysis of the Digital Economy
Economic Logic
Economics in the Age of COVID-19
Emerging Markets For Dummies
Essays on the Great Depression
Everyone Believes It; Most Will Be Wrong
Finance Brokerage
Financial Institutions, Investments, and Management
First Responders
Fiscal Hangover
Freedom or Equality
Handbook of Finance
Heuristics and Biases
How to Invest in Real Estate
How to Make a Fortune from the Biggest Market Opportunities in U.S.History
IEBM Handbook of Economics
If You Want To Be Rich & Happy Don't Go To School
If You're Not First, You're Last
Investing in a Volatile Stock Market
Investment Watch Blog
Irrational Economics
Issues on My Mind
It's Not About the Money
J is for Junk Economics
Killing the Host
Made in the USA
Making Sense of the Dollar
Making the Modern World
Microeconomics Made Simple
Mish Talk
Notes and Recollections
Passport to Profits
Peers Inc
Political Economy of Tomorrow
Predatory Value Extraction
Princes of the Yen
Russian Currency and Finance
Sectors and Styles
Strategic Investment Conference
Terror Inc
Terror Incorporated
The Age of Stagnation
The Anti-Capitalistic Mentality
The Asylum
The Big Picture
The Breaking Point
The Cash Nexus
The Circular Economy
The Coming Bond Market Collapse
The Committee to Destroy the World
The Complete Idiot's Guide to the Federal Reserve
The Corporate Triangle
The Courage to be Rich
The Economic Nature of the Firm
The Essential Buffett
The Global Money Markets
The Great Contraction, 1929-1933
The Great Degeneration
The Human Advantage
The Mr. X Interviews: Volume 1
The Mr. X Interviews: Volume 2
The Myth of Capitalism
The New American Economy
The New Class War
The Passion Economy
The Price of Tomorrow
The Signal and the Noise
The Structure of Production
The Support Economy
The Ten Trillion Dollar Gamble
The Volatility Machine
The Wave Principle of Human Social Behavior and the New Science of Socionomics
The World Economy
The pH Report
Trade Wars Are Class Wars
Value-based Metrics
Vanguard Blog

