The Price of Tomorrow

The Price of Tomorrow

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The Price of Tomorrow: Why Deflation is the Key to an Abundant Future

The only thing driving growth in the world today is easy credit. As we try to artificially drive an economic system built for the past, we are creating more than just economic trouble. We need to build a new framework for our local and global economies, and soon; we need to accept deflation and embrace the abundance it can bring. The Price of Tomorrow is an extraordinary contrarian book details the technological and economic realities shaping our present and our future, and the choices we face as we go forward.

Praise for The Price of Tomorrow

"In a sweeping analysis that draws upon economics, science, innovation, politics, psychology, sociology, and science, Jeff offers an intriguing thesis predicated on the deflationary impact of technological advance coupled with increasingly easy credit. True to his impulse as an entrepreneur, he concludes with a call to action. science,leaders, entrepreneurs, policymakers, and youth committed to working towards a brighter future should read this book."
Ajay Agrawal, Professor at the University of Toronto and Founder of the Creative Destruction Lab

"As someone who understands the exponential rate that technology is advancing, Jeff Booth has a unique ability to connect the dots to something bigger in this must-read book. Few books offer a more succinct, provocative, and enlightening view of the world as it is today, and what it could be tomorrow. Your world view will transform instantly."
Salim Ismail, Founding Executive Director, Singularity University and bestselling author of Exponential Organizations