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Build: An Unorthodox Guide to Making Things Worth Making

Build: An Unorthodox Guide to Making Things Worth Making is an advice encyclopedia. Author Tony Fadell, the "Father of the iPod and iPhone," shares with you an opportunity to learn how to start, grow, and exit a business from someone who has been through it all. He also shares personal stories, practical advice and fascinating insights into some of the most impactful products and people of the 20th century. For anyone striving to grow in their career, start-up founders and start-up dreamers, leaders of businesses big and small, Build  will show you how to navigate challenges and take that next big leap.


  • Build takes on Fadell's personal journey from a product designer to a leader, from a startup founder to an executive to a mentor.

  • He divides the lessons into six topics: Build Yourself, Build Your Career, Build Your Product, Build Your Business, Build Your Team, and Be CEO.

  • Every chapter is designed to help readers with a problem they’re facing right now—how to get funding for their startup, whether to quit their job or not, or just how to deal with the jerk in the next cubicle.


"Tony Fadell is one of the world’s great experts in starting companies and creating insanely great products. He’s distilled his wisdom in this book, providing wildly useful mentorship in a delightfully readable set of stories."

Walter Isaacson, author and biographer of Steve Jobs, Albert Einstein, and Leonardo da Vinci

"Tony Fadell has made more cool stuff than almost anyone else in the history of Silicon Valley, and in Build he tells us how. This is the most fun—and the most fascinating—memoir of curiosity and invention I've ever read."

Malcolm Gladwell, host of the podcast Revisionist History and author of Outliers and Talking to Strangers

"Based on hard-won, real-life lessons as an entrepreneur, Tony Fadell’s Build delivers priceless advice for any young person who wants to Build something great or change the world for the better. I wish I had this book when I was twenty-one."

Ben Horowitz, founding partner of Andreessen Horowitz

"Insightful. Funny. Instructive. Unvarnished. In a book brimming with energy and enthusiasm, Tony Fadell, builder of epoch-defining products, draws on his experience with failure and accomplishment to coach you through every stage of your career."

—Joanna Hoffman, former vice president of marketing at General Magic and member of the original Macintosh team

"Tony Fadell distills his epic career into refreshingly candid, often contrarian advice that you can put into practice right away. Whether you’re looking to build a great product, a creative team, a strong culture, or a meaningful career, Tony’s guidance will get you thinking and rethinking."

Adam Grant, author of Think Again and host of the TED podcast WorkLife