Think Again

Think Again

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Think Again: The Power of Knowing What You Don't Know

Intelligence is usually seen as the ability to think and learn, but there's another set of cognitive skills that might matter more: the ability to rethink and unlearn. Think Again examines the critical art of rethinking—learning to question your opinions and open other people's minds, which can position you for excellence at work and wisdom in life. With bold ideas and rigorous evidence, it investigates how we can embrace the joy of being wrong, bring nuance to charged conversations, and build schools, workplaces, and communities of lifelong learners.

Praise for Think Again

“In a world of aggressive certitude, Adam Grant’s latest book is a refreshing mandate for humble open-mindedness. Think Again offers a particularly powerful case for rethinking what we already know that is not just a useful lesson; it could be a vital one.”

Financial Times

“In his latest book, Think Again: The Power of Knowing What You Don’t Know, [Grant] is in vintage form.”

The Wall Street Journal

Think Again delivers smart advice on unlearning assumptions and opening ourselves up to curiosity and humility.”

The Washington Post


"This book blends psychology and self-help to prove how doubt, failing, and rethinking are instrumental to improving ourselves and our world. In three sections, he outlines why we struggle to embrace feedback, how we can help others rethink effectively, and how our communities can shift to encourage rethinking."

Business Insider

“For anyone who wants to create a culture of learning and exploration at home, work or school, Grant distills complex research into a compelling case for why each of us should continually question old assumptions and embrace new ideas and perspectives.”


Adam Grant believes that keeping an open mind is a teachable skill. And no one could teach this hugely valuable skill better than he does in this wonderful read. The striking insights of this brilliant book are guaranteed to make you rethink your opinions and your most important decisions.”

Daniel Kahneman, Nobel Prize Winner in Economics


Adam Grant makes a captivating argument that if we have the humility and curiosity to reconsider our beliefs, we can always reinvent ourselves. Think Again helped me learn about how great thinkers and achievers don’t let expertise or experience stand in the way of being perpetual students.”

M. Night Shyamalan, Director of The Sixth Sense and Split