Daniel Kahneman

Daniel Kahneman

Formal First Name
1934 - 2024

Daniel Kahneman was a Nobel Prize winner and world renowned psychologist who pioneered theories in behavioral economics. Kahneman was the Eugene Higgins Professor of Psychology Emeritus at Princeton University, Professor of Psychology and Public Affairs Emeritus at the Woodrow Wilson School, and a fellow of the Center for Rationality at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem. Referred to as the most distinguished psychologist in the world, his work on the psychology of judgement and decision-making laid some of the early foundations for the field of behavioral economics. His first book, "Thinking, Fast and Slow" was a worldwide bestseller with revolutionary ideas about human error and bias. He died on March 27, 2024 at the age of 90.

Professional Experience

Academic History


  • In 2002, Kahneman was awarded the Nobel memorial prize in economic sciences in recognition for his research in the fields of psychology and economics.

  • His Nobel Prize-winning research upended economics — as well as fields ranging from sports to public health — by demonstrating the extent to which people abandon logic and leap to conclusions.

  • He integrated economic analysis with fundamental insights from cognitive psychology, in particular, regarding behavior under uncertainty.


  • Kahneman and his longtime collaborator Amos Tversky reshaped the field of economics.

  • Dubbed as the "Father of Behavioral Science," Kahneman had a huge influence on the psychological field we call judgment and decision making. 

  • He is one of the main people responsible for the revelation that humans are not rational beings; rather, he proposes that we are susceptible to a host of heuristics and biases, mental tricks that cloud our daily judgements and decision-making abilities.


  • Kahneman joined the Princeton faculty in 1993, following university appointments at Hebrew University, the University of British Columbia, and the University of California–Berkeley. 

  • He developed, in tandem with Shafir, the first psychology for policy course to be taught in the school of public affairs. An updated version of the course is still taught today.


  • 2013 Presidential Medal of Freedom

  • 2013 SAGE-CASBS Award for Social Sciences

  • 2013 National Academy of Sciences Best Book Award for “Thinking, Fast and Slow

  • 2013 Cosmos Club McGoven Award in Science

  • 2012 Los Angeles Times Book Prize for “Thinking Fast and Slow”

  • 2011 Talcott Parsons Prize, The American Academy of Arts and Sciences

  • 2011 Distinguished Fellows, The American Economic Association

  • 2008 John McGovern Award Lecture, The American Association for the Advancement of Science

  • 2007 Distinguished Lifetime Contribution Award, American Psychological Association

  • 2006 Frank P. Ramsey Medal of the Decision Analysis Society, (joint with Amos Tversky)

  • 2006 Thomas Schelling Prize for intellectual contribution to public policy, Kennedy School for public policy, Harvard University

  • 2006 Kampe de Feriet Award, Society for Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty

  • 2005 Decision Analysis Publication Award (for best paper published in 2003), Decision Analysis Society

  • 2002 Grawemeyer Prize in Psychology (joint with Amos Tversky)

  • 2002 Bank of Sweden Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel

  • 2002 Career Achievement Award, Society for Medical Decision Making

  • 1995 Warren Medal of the Society of Experimental Psychologists, (joint with Amos Tversky

  • 1995 Hilgard Award for Lifetime Contribution to General Psychology

  • 1992 Distinguished Scientific Contribution Award, Society of Consumer Psychology

  • 1982 Psychological Association, (joint with Amos Tversky)