Wall Street

Wall Street

Full Name
Wall Street: The Other Las Vegas

Wall Street: The Other Las Vegas is a guidebook that offers a new understanding of what stock trading is all about, by a man who learned to beat the system and make millions doing it. Author Nicolas Darvas teaches the readers on how to pick stocks that are going to make money for you, and shares the principles and concepts that are repeatedly verified in the volatile stock market today. This book reveals the treasury of methods Darvas developed to enable him to make - and keep - a fortune, and shows how he places the odds in his favor and reduces the element of risk.

Wall Street: The Other Las Vegas:

  • Explains how to use the author's techno-fundamentalist system
  • Shares Darvas' Technical method: Only buy stocks that have established solid price boxes and have moved through them consistently.Set on stop buy orders to enable you to buy the stock as it breaks out of the box into the next one.
  • Shares Darvas' Fundamental method: Trade stocks based on their capitalization. Buy stocks in strong industry groups. Buy stocks that have the greatest expectations of future earnings.