

Trading is buying and selling investments, such as stocks, bonds, commodities, securities, currencies, and other types of assets, with the goal of making a profit. White traditional investing focuses on making long-term gains by holding assets, trading capitalizes on market fluctuations in the short term. Trading takes place in stock markets, forex markets, commodities exchanges, and other financial markets. All trading involves buying and selling investments, but how your trading is classified depends in large part on your timeline. Experienced traders often combine multiple strategies or adapt their approaches based on market conditions, risk tolerance, and individual preferences to optimize their trading success.

Asset Classes


Entity Types

Stock Market


Active Trading
Day Trading
Swing Trading



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Ace Trades
Adam Khoo Learning Technologies Group
American Conference Institute
American Financial Exchange, LLC
Andy Krieger Trading
Apiary Fund
Aspen Trading Group
BMO Capital Markets
Bank of America
Banyan Hill Publishing
Bitcoin Suisse
C the Light Trading
CMT Association
Cabot Wealth Network
Capitalist Exploits
Center for Strategic and International Studies
Chaikin Analytics
Chatham House
Coin Bureau
Crypto Banter
DARMA Capital
DeCarley Trading
Dexterity Capital
Directional Research & Trading
Dow Jones Newswires
Drift Labs
Dubai Department of Economy and Tourism
ETC Group
Elwood Technologies
Enodo Economics
Explosive Options
Factor, LLC
FireStorm Capital
Forge Global
Habitus Capital
Hard Assets Alliance
Hedge Fund Telemetry
Interactive Brokers
JCI Capital
KJ Trading Systems
KUNA Exchange
Kidder, Peabody & Co.
Long-Term Stock Exchange
Macro Intelligence 2 Partners
Macro Ops
McVean Trading
National Association of Personal Financial Advisors
OTC Markets Group
Online Trading Academy
Opportunity Network
Peak Capital Trading
Peterson Institute for International Economics
Pivot Analytics
Port Phillip Publishing
QCP Capital
Real Life Trading
SMB Capital
Saxo Bank
Shore Capital Markets
Simpler Trading
Spectrum Asset Management
Steno Research
Tallbacken Capital Advisors
Tao of Trading
The Market Sniper
The Stock Dork
The Technical Traders
The Trading Channel
Tidal Financial Group
Trade Speakeasy
Trader University
Traders Reality
Tradeview Markets
United Arab Bank
Van Tharp Institute
Wall Street Daily
Zeta Markets
i10 Research


1962 Trade Act
South Sea Bubble
Trump Trade Wars




Aaron Brown
Aaron Uitenbroek
Adam Collins
Adam Golden
Adam Khoo
Adrian Helfert
Agustin Lebron
Alan Northcott
Alan Tannenbaum
Alex Gurevich
Ali Hassan
Andrew Aziz
Andrew Beer
Andrew Pancholi
Andrés Trujillo Renzi
Andy Cosh
Andy Krieger
Andy Redleaf
Angela Gingras
Anne Stevenson-Yang
Anneka Treon
Ari Pine
Audra Plageman
Austin Arnold
Barry Knapp
Ben Floyd
Ben Hunt
Benoit Bosc
Berk Ozdogan
Beth Hammack
Bill Lipschutz
Bill Pang
Bob Janjuah
Bob Lang
Bob Treue
Bradley Duke
Branden Lee
Bret Kenwell
Brian Quartarolo
Brian Shannon
Bruce Mumford
Carl Walter
Carlos Asilis
Cem Karsan
Cenk Sidar
Changpeng Zhao
Chris Blasi
Chris Cady
Chris Camillo
Chris Castroviejo
Chris Giancarlo
Chris Perkins
Chris Tyrer
Christopher Dembik
Clete Willems
Colin Butler
Courtney Smith
Craig Johnson
Cromwell Coulson
D.R. Barton
Dale Pinkert
Dan Barclay
Dan Morehead
Daniel Drezner
Daniel Masters
Dario Villani
Darius Sit
Dave Iben
Dave Mazza
David Berns
David Dredge
David Duong
David Keller
David Kotok
David Packham
David Riegelnig
David Truffelman
David Zervos
Denise Shull
Dennis Gartman
Doug MacKay
Ed Swenson
Edward Goldberg
Eric Johnston
Eric Peters
Ernie Tremblay
Francis Gannon
Frank Cappelleri
Gareth Murphy
Gareth Soloway
Garett Lim
Gary Antonacci
Gavin von Loeser
Geoffrey Webster
George Leong
Grace Rodriguez
Greg Diamond
Greg Guttas
Greg Reid
Greg Weldon
Greg Zuckerman
Guilhem Chaumont
Guillaume Chatain
Guy Adami
Guy Cerundolo
Harley Bassman
Hugo Philion
Ian King
Imran Lakha
J. Peter Steidlmayer
JP Marra
Jack Inglis
Jack Schwager
Jake Weber
James Hickman
James Lavish
Jamie Coutts
Jason Gerlach
Jason Hsu
Jason Pagoulatos
Jason Raznick
Jay Newman
Jeff Berwick
Jeff Dorman
Jeff Zananiri
Jens Nordvig
Jerremy Newsome
Jesse Felder
Jim Leitner
Joe Terranova
Joel Greenblatt
John Hamburger
John Kiple
John Murphy
John Ross
John Taylor
John Vincent
Jonathan Goldberg
Jonathan Pollock
Jonathan Tepper
Jonathan Treussard
Joseph Trevisani
Joseph Wang
Julian Brigden
Keith Black
Ken Gronbach
Kennon Kincaid
Kenny Estes
Kenny Polcari
Kevin Davey
Kevin Johnson
Kevin Meyersburg
Kevin Miao
Kevin Muir
Kevin Nugent
Kieran Goodwin
Kokou Agbo-Bloua
Kris Sidial
Kyle Dennis
Kyle du Plessis
Laila Kollmorgen
Larry McDonald
Larry McMillan
Larry Williams
Lars Jensen
Lars Seier Christensen
Lawrence Ingrassia
Lawrence Lewitinn
Leigh Drogen
Leo Mizuhara
Leon Gaudiosi
Lester Brafman
Lita Epstein
Lutz Muller
Mads Eberhardt
Maitha Al Shamsi
Maleeha Bengali
Marc Levinson
Marcos Douer
Mark Anson
Mark Lieb
Mark Ritchie
Mark Wolfinger
Matt Zhang
Matthew Klein
Matthias Knab
Max Galka
Michael Covel
Michael Hintze
Michael Lebowitz
Michael Prendiville
Michael Sonnenshein
Michael Venuto
Mike Cahill
Mike Creadon
Mike O'Rourke
Mish Schneider
Nathan Batchelor
Neil Dutta
Neil Shearing
Nigam Arora
Nilus Mattive
Osman Ozsan
Ovie Faruq
Paul Britton
Paul Mampilly
Pei Chen
Pete Najarian
Pete Nickerson
Peter Boockvar
Peter Borish
Peter Brandt
Peter Lacalamita
Petr Pinkhasov
Raghee Horner
Raoul Pal
Rayner Teo
Reed Werbitt
Renè Aninao
Renée DiResta
Richard Brennan
Rick Bensignor
Rishi Narang
Robert Salomon
Ross Laser
Russell Korgaonkar
Ruth Barrons Roosevelt
Saagar Gupta
Said Haidar
Scott Garliss
Scott Skyrm
Sean Hyman
Sebastian Purcell
Sergio Silva
Seth Merrin
Sethu Bijumalla
Siddhartha Jha
Slobodan Jovanovic
Stefan Juriansz
Stephanie Link
Stephen Bigalow
Stephen Roach
Steve Miley
Steve Mobbs
Steve Voulgaridis
Steven Goldstein
Steven Hart
Suzanne Noukahoua
Tadas Viskanta
Takaaki Kato
Thejas Nalval
Thomas Bulkowski
Thomas Herold
Tim Ruth
Tim Seymour
Tim Sykes
Tino Pistou
Tom Busby
Tom Farley
Tony Greer
Tony Saliba
Tony Zhang
Tyler Neville
Vicki Ellis
Victor Sperandeo
William Gann
Zach Scheidt


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Basic Economics
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Bio-Technology Profit Alliance
Bollinger on Bollinger Bands
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Building Winning Algorithmic Trading Systems
Buy High, Sell Higher
Cannabis Cash Weekly
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SPX Market Report
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Sell and Sell Short
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Swing Trading: A Comprehensive Guide
Swing Trading: Best Proven Strategies and Money Management
Swing Trading: Investing in the Stock Market
Swing Trading: Stock Market Investing
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Trading in the Zone
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W.D Gann Ticker & Investment Digest Interview 1909
Weekly Money Call
Weekly Options Alert
World Politics
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Publication Types

Trading Service


Alpha 9
Investment Portfolio
Options Trading
Proprietary Trading
Silk Road

Aaron Brown

Aaron Uitenbroek

Adam Collins

Adam Golden

Adam Khoo

Adrian Helfert

Agustin Lebron

Alan Northcott

Alan Tannenbaum

Alex Gurevich

Ali Hassan

Andrew Aziz

Andrew Beer

Andrew Pancholi

Andrés Trujillo Renzi

Andy Cosh

Andy Krieger

Andy Redleaf

Angela Gingras

Anne Stevenson-Yang

Anneka Treon

Ari Pine

Audra Plageman

Austin Arnold

Barry Knapp

Ben Floyd

Ben Hunt

Benoit Bosc

Berk Ozdogan

Beth Hammack

Bill Lipschutz

Bill Pang

Bob Janjuah

Bob Lang

Bob Treue

Bradley Duke

Branden Lee

Bret Kenwell

Brian Quartarolo

Brian Shannon

Bruce Mumford

Carl Walter

Carlos Asilis

Cem Karsan

Cenk Sidar

Changpeng Zhao

Chris Blasi

Chris Cady

Chris Camillo

Chris Castroviejo

Chris Giancarlo

Chris Perkins

Chris Tyrer

Christopher Dembik

Clete Willems

Colin Butler

Courtney Smith

Craig Johnson

Cromwell Coulson

D.R. Barton

Dale Pinkert

Dan Barclay

Dan Morehead

Daniel Drezner

Daniel Masters

Dario Villani

Darius Sit

Dave Iben

Dave Mazza

David Berns

David Dredge

David Duong

David Keller

David Kotok

David Packham

David Riegelnig

David Truffelman

David Zervos

Denise Shull

Dennis Gartman

Doug MacKay

Ed Swenson

Edward Goldberg

Eric Johnston

Eric Peters

Ernie Tremblay

Francis Gannon

Frank Cappelleri

Gareth Murphy

Gareth Soloway

Garett Lim

Gary Antonacci

Gavin von Loeser

Geoffrey Webster

George Leong

Grace Rodriguez

Greg Diamond

Greg Guttas

Greg Reid

Greg Weldon

Greg Zuckerman

Guilhem Chaumont

Guillaume Chatain

Guy Adami

Guy Cerundolo

Harley Bassman

Hugo Philion

Ian King

Imran Lakha

J. Peter Steidlmayer

JP Marra

Jack Inglis

Jack Schwager

Jake Weber

James Hickman

James Lavish

Jamie Coutts

Jason Gerlach

Jason Hsu

Jason Pagoulatos

Jason Raznick

Jay Newman

Jeff Berwick

Jeff Dorman

Jeff Zananiri

Jens Nordvig

Jerremy Newsome

Jesse Felder

Jim Leitner

Joe Terranova

Joel Greenblatt

John Hamburger

John Kiple

John Murphy

John Ross

John Taylor

John Vincent

Jonathan Goldberg

Jonathan Pollock

Jonathan Tepper

Jonathan Treussard

Joseph Trevisani

Joseph Wang

Julian Brigden

Keith Black

Ken Gronbach

Kennon Kincaid

Kenny Estes

Kenny Polcari

Kevin Davey

Kevin Johnson

Kevin Meyersburg

Kevin Miao

Kevin Muir

Kevin Nugent

Kieran Goodwin

Kokou Agbo-Bloua

Kris Sidial

Kyle Dennis

Kyle du Plessis

Laila Kollmorgen

Larry McDonald

Larry McMillan

Larry Williams

Lars Jensen

Lars Seier Christensen

Lawrence Ingrassia

Lawrence Lewitinn

Leigh Drogen

Leo Mizuhara

Leon Gaudiosi

Lester Brafman

Lita Epstein

Lutz Muller

Mads Eberhardt

Maitha Al Shamsi

Maleeha Bengali

Marc Levinson

Marcos Douer

Mark Anson

Mark Lieb

Mark Ritchie

Mark Wolfinger

Matt Zhang

Matthew Klein

Matthias Knab

Max Galka

Michael Covel

Michael Hintze

Michael Lebowitz

Michael Prendiville

Michael Sonnenshein

Michael Venuto

Mike Cahill

Mike Creadon

Mike O'Rourke

Mish Schneider

Nathan Batchelor

Neil Dutta

Neil Shearing

Nigam Arora

Nilus Mattive

Osman Ozsan

Ovie Faruq

Paul Britton

Paul Mampilly

Pei Chen

Pete Najarian

Pete Nickerson

Peter Boockvar

Peter Borish

Peter Brandt

Peter Lacalamita

Petr Pinkhasov

Raghee Horner

Raoul Pal

Rayner Teo

Reed Werbitt

Renè Aninao

Renée DiResta

Richard Brennan

Rick Bensignor

Rishi Narang

Robert Salomon

Ross Laser

Russell Korgaonkar

Ruth Barrons Roosevelt

Saagar Gupta

Said Haidar

Scott Garliss

Scott Skyrm

Sean Hyman

Sebastian Purcell

Sergio Silva

Seth Merrin

Sethu Bijumalla

Siddhartha Jha

Slobodan Jovanovic

Stefan Juriansz

Stephanie Link

Stephen Bigalow

Stephen Roach

Steve Miley

Steve Mobbs

Steve Voulgaridis

Steven Goldstein

Steven Hart

Suzanne Noukahoua

Tadas Viskanta

Takaaki Kato

Thejas Nalval

Thomas Bulkowski

Thomas Herold

Tim Ruth

Tim Seymour

Tim Sykes

Tino Pistou

Tom Busby

Tom Farley

Tony Greer

Tony Saliba

Tony Zhang

Tyler Neville

Vicki Ellis

Victor Sperandeo

William Gann

Zach Scheidt


This form of trade involves purchasing and selling stocks in a single day. A single day in stock market terms means 9:15 am to 3:30 pm on a weekday (barring market holidays).

It is also known as micro-trading. Scalping and day-trading are both subsets of intraday trading. Scalping involves reaping small profits repeatedly ranging from a dozen to a hundred profits in a single market day. 

This style of stock market trading is used to capitalize on the short-term stock trends and patterns. Swing trading is used to earn gains from stock within a few days of purchasing it; ideally one to seven days. 

In case of momentum trading, a trader exploits a stock’s momentum, i.e. a substantial value movement of stock, either upwards or downwards.

  • Position Trading. 

Position traders hold securities for months aiming to capitalize on the long-term potential of stocks rather than short-term price movements. 


This lets you follow your own hunches and invest in companies you believe in—and possibly profit if their stocks gain value.

Because it requires more hands-on involvement than buy-and-hold investing, trading can help you better understand trends in the market.


  • You may lose some, or all, of the money you use to trade stocks. 

This, of course, is true of investing in general. But it's particularly worth keeping in mind with trading.

As it requires a lot of research and near-constant monitoring to ensure you make informed trades. 

  • Trading can be stressful. 

Especially when you're watching your account balance fall.