Pete Najarian

Pete Najarian

Formal First Name
Peter (Pete)
Nick Name
Pit Boss

Pete Najarian is a Co-Founder of Market Rebellion, a platform dedicated to empowering individual investors with comprehensive trading education and tools. Pete has earned a reputation in the industry as an options trading expert and pioneer. He had co-founded several enterprises with his brother Jon Najarian, including tradeMONSTER, the first online broker to deploy streaming, desktop-like trading in a web browser. He also co-developed and co-patented trading applications and algorithms used to identify unusual activity in stock, options, and futures markets. Following a football career that included several seasons with the NFL's Tampa Bay Buccaneers and Minnesota Vikings, Pete began options trading in 1992 at Mercury Trading, a market-making firm at the Chicago Board Options Exchange. He was previously known as one of the “Fast Money Five” on CNBC’s “Fast Money” as well as a cast member of CNBC’s “Halftime Report.”


  • After his stint at CBOE, he assumed responsibility for Mercury’s risk and arbitrage and later led its entry onto the New York Stock Exchange.

  • He also led Mercury’s joint venture with M.J. Meehan, the third-largest specialist firm on the NYSE

  • optionMONSTER and tradMONSTER were sold to E*Trade for $750 million in September of 2016.

  • Before starting optionMONSTER, he was a founding member of One Chicago, an electronic exchange committed to becoming the global leader in futures on individual stocks, narrow-based indexes, and ETFs.

  • He is also the Co-Founder of Hedgehog stock, options, and futures trading platform and together with brother Jon Najarian, co-developed the Heat SeekerⓇ and complementary programs identifying unusual buying activity in stocks, options, and futures.