On Classical Economics

On Classical Economics


On Classical Economics is a reexamination of classical economic theory and methods. It is a book from which students can learn both history and economics. It is not simply a Cook's tour of colorful personalities of the past but a study of how certain economic concepts and tools of analysis arose, and how their implications were revealed during the controversies that followed. It also provides a general understanding of classical macroeconomics and microeconomics. Clear, engaging, and very readable, On Classical Economics can enable a course on the history of economic thought to make a contribution to students’ understanding of economics in general—whether in price theory, monetary theory, or international trade.

"Thomas Sowell has written a detailed, intellectual history of the Classical Economists, putting the various authors into a cohesive framework for the first time. A  good solid enjoyable book."

— Robert Lawson, Capital University School of Management

"An important, beautifully researched collection. Sowell manages, with great scholarship, to clearly and simply explain both complex questions of economic theory and how they developed."

— David C. John, Research Fellow, Roe Institute for Economic Policy Studies, Heritage Foundation

"A very readable introduction to classical economics, aimed at students of economic thought, but also of interest to historians, philosophers and political scientists. Sowell  clarifies important  misconceptions about classical economics- especially regarding Marx, Malthus, and Sismondi. An impressive read."

— Edward Stringham, San Jose State University