Automatic Trading Millionaire

Automatic Trading Millionaire

Automatic Trading Millionaire shares the five most important trading goals and Kaarim’s put-selling technique, an incredibly easy strategy to begin generating a steady stream of reliable retirement income. This newsletter provides a technique that will ensure you lock in much bigger profits when a stock rises and a very substantial safety net against losses. It recommends “collect income now and buy stocks at a discount” trades that are based on selling put options. Upon subscription, you will receive weekly Automatic Trading Millionaire portfolio updates and alerts, allowing you to access Karim’s reports and archived trading alerts online anytime.

Automatic Trading Millionaire Trading Goals:

#1: We’re going to target strong, stable companies with healthy balance sheets and some robust dividend histories.

Why? These are “best of breed” stocks that we’d want to own under any circumstances… but especially at a discounted price, if a buying opportunity were to present itself.

#2: We’re going to aim for strike prices that offer us a significant discount so that we lower our cost basis and set ourselves up for greater capital appreciation.

This way, we can still safely net 20% to 50% in the event of adverse market conditions or volatility.

#3: We’re going to create a consistent flow of safe, reliable income throughout the year.

With this extra cash flow, you’ll breathe a little easier. It’ll give you the freedom to finance longer-term investments, supplement your retirement income or fund your lifestyle today… whatever you choose.

#4: We’ll supplement our short-term income with the opportunity to generate significant long-term capital gains.

Remember, one of the benefits of this strategy is that it gives us valuable exposure to stocks we like, at great prices. So if we get put, we’ll gain the chance to buy shares at a significant discount. And when the value of those shares rises, we’ll lock in a nice gain.

#5: We’ll carefully consider our individual risk thresholds before committing to any trade.

Each individual’s personal investment circumstances are different, so I ask that you think about your level of risk tolerance before acting on a trade. This will ensure that you limit yourself to trades that involve a level of capital commitment you’re comfortable with.