

Money is something that functions as both a store of value and medium of exchange

Asset Classes



Goldman Sachs Personal Financial Management
King World News
Sling Money
The Financial Diet


Avery Breyer
Chelsea Fagan
Clint Proctor
Daniel McDowell
Doug Casey
E.J. Antoni
Jamie Catherwood
Jane Bryant Quinn
Jesse Mecham
Jim Wang
Kate Northrup
Katharina Pistor
Lev Menand
Matt Patsky
Michael Kao
Morgan Housel
Niall Ferguson
Oliver Swing
Perry Mehrling
Ramit Sethi
Russell Napier
Saifedean Ammous
Sanford Leeds
Tony Deden
Vijay Boyapati
Warren Mosler


A Little History of Economics
Basic Economics
Business Secrets from the Bible
Dave Ramsey's CORE Financial Wellness
Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace University
Don’t Hire a Financial Coach!
Extreme Money
Gold, Peace, and Prosperity
Good Money
Hidden Secrets of Money
How to Have More than Enough
How to Make Your Money Last
How to Stop Living Paycheck to Paycheck
Instant Information Products!
Investment Moats
Just Keep Buying
Living Rich
Money, A Love Story
Money, Method, and the Market Process
Oblivious Investing
On Your Mark, Get Set, INVEST
Paper Money Errors and Anomalies
Rich Dad's Before You Quit Your Job
Rich Dad's Guide to Becoming Rich Without Cutting Up Your Credit Cards
Second Chance
Secrets of the Millionaire Mind
Social Media Marketing for Business 2020
The Big Book of Wealth Creation
The Creature from Jekyll Island
The Education of a Value Investor
The End of Freedom
The Financial Advisor to Building Wealth
The Financial Diet
The Laws of Money, The Lessons of Life
The Millionaire Booklet
The Money Answer Book
The Money Code
The Money Deception
The Money Game
The Money Map Method
The One Week Budget
The Psychology of Money
The Relaxing Retirement Formula
The Richest Man in Babylon
The Secret of Shelter Island
The Simple Path to Wealth
The Squirrel Manifesto
The Theory of Money and Credit
The Total Money Makeover
The World's Banker
Think and Grow Rich And The Richest Man in Babylon
What You Should Have Learned About Money, But Never Did
Why We Want You To Be Rich
You Need a Budget


Monetary Policy
Quantitative Easing


Unreal Money Threatens Unreal Everything

Classic Money Definition:

For something to me money, it must be all of the following:

Historical Examples of Money

  • Cattle, Salt, Sea Shells, Cigarettes

Asset Vs. Money Trap

  • Humans fall into the trap of thinking that the price of an asset is the same as money
    • A promise to pay is not money
    • Equity Values (stock market prices) are not money
    • We really own claims, promises and debt.  They are only valuable as long as someone else is willing to buy them from us
  • Example: Bank Deposits, Treasuries, etc are not money - they are a promise to be repaid money

Dishonest Money

Gold as Money

  • There are many reasons why gold is great for money
  • Aristotle defined 5 reasons why gold is money (classical reasons that gold is money)
    • DURABLE:  It should be indestructible and not fall apart easily
    • DIVISIBLE:  It should be able to be converted to smaller and larger pieces without losing value
    • CONSISTENT:  It always looks the same so it is easy to recognize
    • CONVENIENT:  It is portable and packs lots of value into a small object
    • INTRINSIC VALUE:  It must be something people want or can use

Famous Investor's Thoughts on Money: