The Richest Man in Babylon

The Richest Man in Babylon

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The Richest Man in Babylon: 9789387669369

The Richest Man in Babylon is an all-time classic featuring a number of entertaining tales of tradesmen, merchants, and herdsmen that will surely teach you how to keep more of what you earn, put your money to work, get out of debt, attract good luck, choose wise investments, and safeguard a lasting fortune. The ancient Babylonians were the first people to discover the universal laws of prosperity. And this book reveals their secrets for creating, growing, and preserving wealth. With The Richest Man in Babylon, you will learn to save at least 10 percent of everything you earn and how to not confuse your necessary expenses with your desires.

“What can a book written in the 1920s tell modern investors about their finances? A whole lot if it's George Clason's delightful set of parables that explain the basics of money. This is a great gift for a graduate or anyone who seems baffled by the world of finance and a wonderful, refreshing read for even the most experienced investor.”

— Los Angeles Times