

Debt is the amount of money borrowed by one party from another individual, company, or organization. Used by many corporations and individuals as a method of making large purchases that they could not make under normal circumstances, this debt is used by firms to take up loans to either finance a working capital or acquisition. In business and government, debt is often used in the form of bonds, which are tradable securities. Under a debt agreement, the borrower obtains authorization to obtain an amount of money to be rapid on an agreed date, with serviced interest. The most common forms of debt are loans, including mortgages and auto loans, personal loans, and credit card debt.

Asset Classes

Bank Preferreds


Appaloosa Management
Benefit Street Partners
Compound Planning
Cowen Inc.
Euro Pacific Capital
Gen Y Planning
Hoisington Investment Management Company
Karatzas Marine Advisors & Co.
Lincoln International
Michele Cagan, CPA
Momentum Structural Analysis
Monarch Alternative Capital
Oppenheimer & Co.
STRATA Trust Company
Sculptor Capital Management
Searchlight Capital
Sprott Inc.
Tacora Capital

Event Types



Abradat Kamalpour
Bill Kohr
Bruce Kovner
Clint Proctor
Contessa Brewer
Dan Alpert
Daniel Lacalle
Darrell Duffie
Dave Ramsey III
David Malpass
David Tepper
Edward Altman
Edwin Elton
Elizabeth Warren
Eric Malchow
Glenn August
Hector Fernandez
Jay Canell
Jay Newman
Jeff Gundlach
Jeffrey Sachs
Jesse Mecham
Kristy Shen
Kyle Brown
Lacy Hunt
Marc Lasry
Michele Cagan
Neil Canell
Tony Pelz
Tonya Rapley
Victor Khosla


...and Forgive Them Their Debts
A Bubble That Broke The World
A Decade of Debt
After Normal
Asian Pacific Financial Forecast Service
Avoiding the Fall
Barbara Friedberg Personal Finance
Between Debt and the Devil
Beyond the Keynesian Endpoint
Biglaw Investor
Blueprint for America
Broke Millennial
Budgeting 101
Can We Avoid Another Financial Crisis?
Data Analytics for Corporate Debt Markets
Dave Ramsey's Complete Guide To Money
Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace University
Debt & Bankruptcy Terms
Debt 101
Debt Free For Life
Debt and Delusion
Debt, Development, and Democracy
Distressed Securities
Don’t Quit Your Day Job
Empire of Debt
European Financial Forecast Service
Financial Fine Print
Financial Freedom
Financial Peace
Get Rich Slowly
Get a Financial Life
Global Forecast Service
High Yield Digest
How To Get Rich; Without Winning the Lottery
How To Invest in Debt
How to Be Debt Free
How to Get Rich
How to Have More than Enough
How to Stop Living Paycheck to Paycheck
Junior's Adventures
Just Keep Buying
Mindful Money
Money Academy for Couples
Money Morning
Money of the Mind
More Than Enough
Naked Economics
One Year to an Organized Financial Life
Optimize Your Retirement
Our Brave New World
Paying For College For Dummies
Peddling Prosperity
Personal Finance Terms
Personal Finance in Your 20s and 30s For Dummies
Professional Perspectives on Fixed Income Portfolio Management
Raising Private Capital
Real Life, Real Money
Rich Dad's Escape from the Rat Race
Rich Dad's Guide to Becoming Rich Without Cutting Up Your Credit Cards
Richer Than A Millionaire
Smart Money Smart Kids
Smart and Simple Financial Strategies for Busy People
Soldier of Finance
Special Situation Survey
Start Over, Finish Rich
Stay Rich for Life!
Sustainable Wealth
The Age of Oversupply
The American Jubilee
The Big Short
The College Investor Blog
The Committee to Destroy the World
The Complete Idiot's Guide to Improving Your Credit Score
The Financial Diet
The Handbook of Corporate Debt Instruments
The Holy Grail of Macroeconomics
The Laws of Money, The Lessons of Life
The Millionaire Next Door
The Motley Fool Personal Finance Workbook
The Motley Fool You Have More Than You Think
The New High-Yield Debt Market
The Prepper's Financial Guide
The Quotations of Chairman Greenspan
The Richest Man in Babylon
The Simple Path to Wealth
The Snowball
The Ten Trillion Dollar Gamble
The Total Money Makeover
The Total Money Makeover
The Two-Income Trap
Unfair Advantage
Volatility and the Allegory of the Prisoner's Dilemma
Why Save the Bankers
Why We Want You To Be Rich
Why the Rich Are Getting Richer
You Need a Budget
Your Road to Wealth Starts Here




Covered Bond
Credit Analysis
Debt Financing
Double B Credit Rating
Financial Planning
Gross Margin

  • Debt is generally good when it's used as an investment (to make more money in the future)
  • Debt is generally bad when it's used for consumption (vacations, luxuries, clothes, etc)