High Yield Digest

High Yield Digest

High Yield Digest offers a comprehensive database coupled with detailed company dashboards following statistics relevant to the company's ability to maintain its dividends and or debt obligations. With this service, investors will be able to quickly navigate between security prices, company performance, and contributor opinions. This premium service also features a portfolio that focuses on producing income coupled with price stability.


Access to all of LaKosh's articles on Seeking Alpha

Same day company dashboard updates related to earnings releases.

Real-time access to an 8-9% yielding portfolio

This also comes with the same day new trade alerts and a watch list for new trade opportunities. 

Dividend Trap Warnings

Companies usually provide signals in their financial performance prior to cutting or eliminating their dividend. LaKosh looks for those signals and provides those warnings.

Growth Via User Input

User suggestions will be key to growth. If there are securities you would like to add to the database, let LaKosh know.  

Black Swan Pricing

With the global pandemic creating a global sell-off, the high yield debt and preferred stock markets are deeply discounted. There are an enormous number of 8%+ yielding securities that can provide long-term income to investors' portfolios.