

Full Name
Warnings: Finding Cassandras to Stop Catastrophes

Warnings is the story of the future of national security, threatening technologies, the United States economy, and possibly the fate of civilization. It reveals insider views of previous disasters, chilling insights on today’s threats to mankind, and a prescription to protect us. This book’s penetrating insights are essential for any person, any business, or any government that doesn’t want to be a blind victim of tomorrow’s catastrophe.

Praise for Warnings

“Fascinating. Richard Clarke and R. P. Eddy try to construct a science that separates the true prophets from the fantasists. It’s a fascinating account, and oh, if we’d only paid attention!”

Lawrence Wright, Pulitzer Prize-winning author of The Looming Tower and The Terror Years

“Dick Clarke and R.P. Eddy know what they are talking about—this is not a book about miracles, it is a book about how to recognize warnings in a very dangerous world.”

Leon Panetta, Former Secretary of Defense

“Now, more than ever, you should read this book and learn from two of the very best. A gripping read and a brilliant view of an uncertain future. Clarke and Eddy deliver veteran insights all leaders need to hear.”

— General Michael Hayden, Former CIA Director

“Clarke and Eddy’s veteran insight will be required reading for those who want to win in a future dominated by technologies and national security threats most haven’t even begun to ponder.”

Senator George Mitchell

“In Warnings, Clarke and Eddy turn mythology into sociology and anecdote into analysis in a way that is both enlightening and important for averting catastrophes.”

Garry Kasparov, author of Winter Is Coming and 13th World Chess Champion

“A must-read. In an increasingly risky world, finding people who see around corners is key―but once you’ve found them, it’s just as important to listen. We need to listen to Clarke and Eddy, their leadership and vision have been second to none for decades, and they are right again.”

William Bratton, former NYPD Commissioner