Financial Peace

Financial Peace

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Financial Peace: Putting Common Sense Into Your Dollars and Cents

Get out of debt and stay out with the help of Dave Ramsey, recently seen by millions of Today Show viewers. His practical regimen, first set forth by The Financial Peace Planner, is showcased again in Financial Peace. Loaded with inspirational insights that come from personal experience, this book is the most valuable purchase a debt-ridden reader can make.

From Library Journal

"By the age of 30, author Ramsey had earned and lost millions in his real estate business. He is now financially secure again through helping others learn from his mistakes. The information he presents on sound financial money management is not new, but his personal experience with money difficulties helps to relate this solid advice to just about anyone, especially those in serious debt. Ramsey advises, as do many others in this field, to stop borrowing, always pay cash, tear up those credit cards, use debit cards, negotiate the price of everything, settle for something older and less expensive, and, more importantly, become disciplined savers instead of spenders. Ramsey's philosophical approach is rooted in his strong religious beliefs about personal financial management and helps to distinguish his take on this topic. The author narrates as if he is addressing a large audience rather than reading from a book. Handy worksheets, which aren't likely to last in libraries, are included for those seriously committed to acting on his advice. Consider only on demand in public libraries.?Dale Farris, Groves, Tex."