Money of the Mind

Money of the Mind

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Money of the Mind: How the 1980s Got That Way

The Money of the Mind is a brilliant, clear-eyed history of American finance. Two long-running trends converged in the 1980s to create one of our greatest speculative booms: the democratization of credit and the socialization of risk. Based on original scholarship as well as firsthand observation, Grant puts our recent love affair with debt in an entirely fresh, often chilling, perspective. The result is a required and wickedly entertaining reading for everyone who wants or needs to understand how the world really works.

A New York Times Notable Book of the Year

A Bloomberg Best Business Book of the Year

"A brilliantly eccentric, kaleidoscopic tour of our credit lunacy. . . . A splendid, tooth-gnashing saga that should be savored for its ghoulish humor and passionately debated for its iconoclastic analysis. It is a fitting epitaph to the credit binge of the '80s."

The Wall Street Journal

"A substantive and accessible perspective on how the financial world really works, offering as its moral the unhappy reminder that all pipers eventually must be paid."

Kirkus Reviews

"A colorful, entertaining, and wickedly witty history."

Publishers Weekly