Mindful Money

Mindful Money

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Mindful Money: Simple Practices for Reaching Your Financial Goals and Increasing Your Happiness Dividend

Mindful Money helps you create a unique financial plan that is guided by your deepest beliefs, and shows you how to save, invest, pay off debt, and fund your retirement and dreams by building a lifetime income stream. It emphasizes that money is a tool you can use to support your lifestyle, reach your goals, and earn the “happiness dividend” everyone deserves.

Praise for Mindful Money

“DeYoe pierces common money illusions and focuses readers on the elements that underpin true happiness.”

Tadas Viskanta, founder and editor of Abnormal Returns

Mindful Money, a book grounded in a belief system that is deeply compatible with my own spirit, teaches the lessons I have been waiting for.”

Alice Walker, Pulitzer Prize-winning author of The Color Purple

Mindful Money provides a commonsense and inspirational framework that serves as a road map to happiness and offers a thoughtful reassessment of how money is just a tool, not the destination.”

Burt White, managing director and chief investment officer of LPL Financial

“If there were a smarter and better way to manage your money and your life, you’d want to know right away. So open this book and start reading.”

Bob Seawright, Chief investment officer of Madison Avenue Securities and blogger, Above the Market

“Teaches you to put wealth-building ideas into action. . . . If you read one money book this year, let it be Mindful money.”

Barbara A. Friedberg, MBA, MS, expert investor and author of Invest and Beat the Pros

“[DeYoe’s] advice is solid, his delivery is assured, and his claim of discovering the key to happiness is surprisingly plausible.”

Publishers Weekly