Abnormal Returns

Abnormal Returns

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Abnormal Returns: Winning Strategies from the Frontlines of the Investment Blogosphere

Abnormal Returns provides a smart, back-to-basics approach for generating investment returns in today’s turbulent markets. It provides a solid foundation in the basic principles for taking a slow, steady, and savvy approach to your financial future. This book helps you navigate your way through the post-crisis markets by developing a solid investing strategy. Abnormal Returns doesn’t give you the latest investing trends, unerring market predictions, or hot new tips for hitting the jackpot right now. What you do get is a fresh perspective on how markets work―and expert insight into how to make them work for you.

Praise for Abnormal Returns

Abnormal Returns seeks to demystify investment strategies and help investors find the path that is right for them, and, in so doing, should help investors succeed on the sometimes perilous road to investment success.”

James P. O'Shaughnessy, author of What Works on Wall Street

“Think of this book as a gift that will save you thousands of hours of research and maybe even more money! A true reference manual on what is important to understand as you try to make smart decisions about your investments.”

Carl Richards, author of The Behavior Gap

“Tadas lives at the intersection between Wall Street and the Internet, on the bleeding edge of a new world of financial social leverage. If you want to know what the traders and fund managers of the postcrisis 2020 boom think, read Tadas.”

Barry Ritholtz, author of Bailout Nation and founder of The Big Picture

“Nowhere has this much finance wisdom ever been compiled in such a clear, concise way; the market has a new user’s manual!”

Josh Brown, TheReformedBroker.com and author of Backstage Wall Street

“[Viskanta’s] blog has been a daily read of mine for the last four years, and in a world where trust matters, he has mine.”

Howard Lindzon, co-founder and CEO of StockTwits

Abnormal Returns will resonate with both traders and investors, from beginner to market wizard . . . it’s that good of a book.”

Michael Martin, author of The Inner Voice of Trading

Abnormal Returns is mandatory reading at our shop, and it is a daily fixture of every morning right alongside my coffee and the Wall Street Journal. Tadas’s aggregation and analysis has generated many new avenues for research within our company.”

Mebane Faber, CIO, Cambria Investment Management, and author of The Ivy Portfolio