Exchange Traded Fund

Exchange Traded Fund


Exchange-Traded Fund (ETF) is a form of securities that trade on an exchange that contains many types of investments, including stocks, commodities, bonds, or a mixture of investment types. Considered as a marketable security, ETFs are easily bought and sold, offering the best attributes with lower fees and tax-efficiency. A one-size-fits-all solution, ETFs combine the features of a mutual fund, with the intraday trading feature of a closed-end fund. ETFs can be more cost-effective and more liquid than mutual funds, enabling them to have more diversification benefits while also mimicking the ease with which stocks are traded.

Asset Classes


Entity Types

Closed End Fund
Mutual Fund



Mentioned by the Following

Asset Classes



ARS Investment Partners
ATAC Rotation Fund
Advisor Perspectives
All Star Charts
Alpha Architect
Alpha Financial Technologies, LLC.
AlphaProfit Investments
Ark Financial Management
Beaumont Capital Management
Bell Investment Advisors
CFRA Research
CLS Investments
Cambria Investment Management
Capital Management Group
Cboe Global Markets
Century Management Financial Advisors
Chaikin Analytics
Charles Schwab & Co.
Chicago Board Options Exchange
Clark Capital Management Group
Columbia Threadneedle Investments
Concise Capital Management
DataTrek Research
DeFi Technologies
Discipline Funds
Element Macro Research
Elliottwave Forecast
Endowment Wealth Management
Ezra Zask Research Advisors
Fidelity Institutional Asset Management
Fidelity Investments
First Bridge Data
Flexible Plan Investments
Franklin Templeton Investments
Freeman Publications
FundX Investment Group
Global Portfolios, LLC
Global X ETFs
Glovista Investments
Gotham Funds
Grayscale Investments
HLM Capital Management
Hewes Communications
Highland Capital Management
Horizons ETFs
Interactive Brokers
Investor's Business Daily
Julex Capital Management
KKM Financial
Laffer Tengler Investments
Life + Liberty Indexes
Little Harbor Advisors
Lyxor Asset Management
ML Newton Advisors
Mackenzie Investments
Maven Asset Partners
New Constructs
Newport Harbor Wealth Management
Online Trading Academy
O’Shares Investments
Parallax Volatility Advisers
Perennitas Solutions
Quadratic Capital Management
RIA Advisors
Rayliant Global Advisors
Reaves Asset Management
Research Affiliates
Roundhill Investments
SL Advisors
SSI Investment Management
Seeking Alpha
Simpler Trading
Sondhelm Partners
Spectrum Asset Management
Sprott Asset Management
Sprott U.S. Holdings, Inc.
Spruce Investment Advisors
State Street
State Street Global Advisors
Strive Asset Management
Sungarden Investment Management
Susquehanna International Group
Swan Global Investments
Tallbacken Capital Advisors
Tema ETFs
The Arora Report
The Technical Traders
The Vanguard Group
Tidal Financial Group
Toews Asset Management
Toroso Asset Management
Treussard Capital Management
TriBeCa Trade Group
TrimTabs Asset Management
Turning Point Analytics
Tuttle Capital Management
U.S. Global Investors
UMB Fund Services
Value Line
Value Partners Group
Virtu Financial
Virtus Investment Partners
Weiss Ratings
WisdomTree Asset Management
Wyatt Investment Research

Entity Types

Business Development Company




Jeremy Deems
Adam Butler
Albert Yeh
Andy Clarke
Aniket Ullal
Ari Pine
Ari Wald
Art Hogan
Arthur Hayes
Bill Lipschutz
Bill Strazzullo
Blair Hull
Bob Froehlich
Bob Iaccino
Brendan Ahern
Brett Harrison
Brian Portnoy
Brian Taylor
Bud King
Charles Biderman
Charles Noble III
Chris Berry
Chris Hausman
Christian Fromhertz
Christine Sandler
Corey Hoffstein
Dan Ahrens
Dan Bortolotti
Danielle Shay
Daren Riley
Dave Mazza
David Berns
David Kotok
David Stevenson
David Trainer
Doug Eberhardt
Ed Campbell
Edwin Choi
Edwin Elton
Eli Rauch
Eric Weigel
Erik Conley
Euan Sinclair
Francis Gannon
Frank Holmes
Frank Serebrin
Geoffrey Webster
George Douglas
George Milling-Stanley
George Patterson
Greg King
Harry Clark
Imran Lakha
Irina Dorogan
James Davolos
Jamie Coutts
Jan van Eck
Janet Brown
Jared Dillian
Jason Bodner
Jason Katz
Jason Kelly
Jason Richey
Jay Jacobs
Jay Pelosky
Jeff Kilburg
Jeff Marcus
Jeff Ross
Jeffrey Hirsch
Jeremy Schwartz
Jerry Hwang
Jessica Rabe
Jim O'Shaughnessy
John Bartlett
John Ciampaglia
John Murphy
John Netto
Jonathan DeYoe
Jonathan Krane
Jono Steinberg
Jordi Visser
Kathleen Moriarty
Kathy Lien
Katrina Radenberg
Keith Dicker
Kevin O'Leary
Kristen Capuano
Larry Raffone
Lee Robertson
Liqian Ren
Lucas Downey
Lyn Alden
Marc Chaikin
Marc Mayer
Marc Pfeffer
Marie Dzanis
Mark Newton
Martin Gruber
Matt Hougan
Matt McCall
Matt Tucker
Matthew Tuttle
Matthew Waz
Meb Faber
Micah Wakefield
Michael Corcelli
Michael Gayed
Michael Pento
Michael Steinhardt
Michael Venuto
Mick McLaughlin
Mike Philbrick
Morgan Paxhia
Moss Crosby
Nigam Arora
Noah Hamman
Noreen Beaman
Patrick Ceresna
Patrick Watson
Paul Kim
Paul Krake
Peter Churchouse
Rayne Steinberg
Rick Pendergraft
Roji Abraham
Ron Rowland
Ron Vinder
Royce Running
Russell Wild
Saker Nusseibeh
Sam Bankman-Fried
Scott Dooley
Shundrawn Thomas
Stephanie Pierce
Stephen Burke
Steve Blumenthal
Steve Craig
Steve Ehrlich
Steve Hawkins
Steven Schoenfeld
Tariq Dennison
Thejas Nalval
Tim Maloney
Tim Price
Tom Jacobs
Tommy Thornton
Tony Crescenzi
Tony Sagami
Tony Zhang
Will Hershey
Will Rhind
Xavier Rolet


2017 ETF Field Guide
A Beginner's Guide To Day Trading Online
A Beginner's Guide to Short Term Trading
A Random Walk Down Wall Street
Abnormal Returns
All About Bonds, Bond Mutual Funds, and Bond ETFs
All Star Investor
Backstage Wall Street
Bear Trader
BlackRock Blog
Canadian Couch Potato
Corporate Bond Investor
Create Your Own Hedge Fund
Crude Oil Trading
Data Analytics for Corporate Debt Markets
Day Trading For Dummies
ETF 20/20
ETF Investing
ETF Pro Plus
Elliott Wave's Flash Services
Energy Pro Service
Exchange-Traded Funds For Dummies
Fast Fortune Club
Fry's Investment Report
Getting Started in Chart Patterns
Global Asset Allocation
Gold Trading
Gold, Silver and Rare Coins
Hedged Alpha Strategy
Hedgeye Pro
High Dividend Opportunities
High Level Investing For Dummies
High-Powered Investing All-in-One For Dummies
How You Can Trade Like a Pro
How to Make Money in Stocks
Index Investing For Dummies
Institutional Investment Management
Invesco Blog
Invest and Beat the Pros
Investing For Dummies
Investing In ETFs FD
Investing QuickStart Guide
Investing in ETFs For Dummies
Investor Amnesia
Long Run Income
Margin of Safety Investing
Morningstar ETFInvestor
Mutual Funds for Dummies
Natural Gas Trading: Natural Gas Futures
NoLoad FundX
Options Trading Mastery
Oxford Wealth Accelerator
Premium Stock Research Service
Rational Investing in Irrational Times
Real-Time Alerts
Seeking Alpha
Stock Investing for Dummies
Stock Market Explained
Stock Trading Strategies
Strategic Investment Newsletter
Study for the Securities Industry Essentials (SIE) Exam
Technical Analysis Explained
The Bear Traps Report
The Bogleheads' Guide to Investing
The Chartist Mutual Fund Letter
The Clash of the Cultures
The Data Driven Investor
The ETF Strategist
The Everything Investing Book
The Felder Report
The Fund Industry
The Handbook of Financial Instruments
The Handbook of Fixed Income Securities
The Income Investor
The Investor's Guide to Active Asset Allocation
The Ivy Portfolio
The Next Great Bull Market
The Only Guide to a Winning Investment Strategy You'll Ever Need
The Speculative Investor
The Swing Trader's Bible
The Theory and Practice of Investment Management Workbook
Trading For Dummies
Understanding Stocks
Visual Guide to Financial Markets
Wall Street’s Best Investments
What Every Fidelity Investor Needs to Know
Why Smart People Lose A Fortune
Zacks Investor Collection
iREIT on Alpha


Dividend Compounding
Relative Strength Momentum


Individual Stock
Investment Portfolio
Stock Pick

Jeremy Deems

Adam Butler

Albert Yeh

Andy Clarke

Aniket Ullal

Ari Pine

Ari Wald

Art Hogan

Arthur Hayes

Bill Lipschutz

Bill Strazzullo

Blair Hull

Bob Froehlich

Bob Iaccino

Brendan Ahern

Brett Harrison

Brian Portnoy

Brian Taylor

Bud King

Charles Biderman

Charles Noble III

Chris Berry

Chris Hausman

Christian Fromhertz

Christine Sandler

Corey Hoffstein

Dan Ahrens

Dan Bortolotti

Danielle Shay

Daren Riley

Dave Mazza

David Berns

David Kotok

David Stevenson

David Trainer

Doug Eberhardt

Ed Campbell

Edwin Choi

Edwin Elton

Eli Rauch

Eric Weigel

Erik Conley

Euan Sinclair

Francis Gannon

Frank Holmes

Frank Serebrin

Geoffrey Webster

George Douglas

George Milling-Stanley

George Patterson

Greg King

Harry Clark

Imran Lakha

Irina Dorogan

James Davolos

Jamie Coutts

Jan van Eck

Janet Brown

Jared Dillian

Jason Bodner

Jason Katz

Jason Kelly

Jason Richey

Jay Jacobs

Jay Pelosky

Jeff Kilburg

Jeff Marcus

Jeff Ross

Jeffrey Hirsch

Jeremy Schwartz

Jerry Hwang

Jessica Rabe

Jim O'Shaughnessy

John Bartlett

John Ciampaglia

John Murphy

John Netto

Jonathan DeYoe

Jonathan Krane

Jono Steinberg

Jordi Visser

Kathleen Moriarty

Kathy Lien

Katrina Radenberg

Keith Dicker

Kevin O'Leary

Kristen Capuano

Larry Raffone

Lee Robertson

Liqian Ren

Lucas Downey

Lyn Alden

Marc Chaikin

Marc Mayer

Marc Pfeffer

Marie Dzanis

Mark Newton

Martin Gruber

Matt Hougan

Matt McCall

Matt Tucker

Matthew Tuttle

Matthew Waz

Meb Faber

Micah Wakefield

Michael Corcelli

Michael Gayed

Michael Pento

Michael Steinhardt

Michael Venuto

Mick McLaughlin

Mike Philbrick

Morgan Paxhia

Moss Crosby

Nigam Arora

Noah Hamman

Noreen Beaman

Patrick Ceresna

Patrick Watson

Paul Kim

Paul Krake

Peter Churchouse

Rayne Steinberg

Rick Pendergraft

Roji Abraham

Ron Rowland

Ron Vinder

Royce Running

Russell Wild

Saker Nusseibeh

Sam Bankman-Fried

Scott Dooley

Shundrawn Thomas

Stephanie Pierce

Stephen Burke

Steve Blumenthal

Steve Craig

Steve Ehrlich

Steve Hawkins

Steven Schoenfeld

Tariq Dennison

Thejas Nalval

Tim Maloney

Tim Price

Tom Jacobs

Tommy Thornton

Tony Crescenzi

Tony Sagami

Tony Zhang

Will Hershey

Will Rhind

Xavier Rolet

ETF Authorized Participant (Market Makers)

  • Authorized Participants (Market Makers) create and destroy shares as the Market dictates
  • They purchase underlying securities to create shares
  • They sell underlying securities to destroy shares
  • They served as an arbitrage mechanism to keep the ETF price aligned with the price of the underlying assets