Corey Hoffstein is the Co-Founder and Chief Investment Officer of Newfound Research, a quantitative investment and research firm. As CIO, he is responsible for portfolio management, investment research, and strategy development of the firm. He researched and developed the firm's core momentum models that have been utilized to help power tactical asset allocation decisions for $10+ billion. He also serves as Chairman of the firm’s Investment Committee, is responsible for overseeing the Quantitative Strategies group, and serves as portfolio manager for the company’s investment strategies. Corey is a frequent speaker on industry panels and contributes to, ETF Trends, and Forbes’ Great Speculations blog.
Corey Hoffstein Professional Experience / Academic History
Professional Experience
Academic History
Newfound Research is dedicated to helping investors pro-actively navigate the risks of investing by unlocking the benefits of diversification through return stacking.
Corey takes an active role in the management of the firm including directing business development and strategic growth initiatives.
He leads the firm in managing alternative strategies and capital efficient solutions that allow investors to implement return stacking concepts.
Corey is an active researcher and his work has been published in the Journal of Indexing and the Journal of Alternative Investments.
He is a frequent contributor to's Strategist Corner and Forbes' Great Speculation blog.
He has also appeared in Barron's, Yahoo! Finance, Bloomberg, The Wall Street Journal, and Real Vision, among others.