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Portfolio123 is a web-based stock investment service that provides everything from model portfolios to stock screening and strategy backtesting. As a financial research platform, they provide a single destination to manage your investment accounts and create, backtest, and manage stock and ETF strategies. Portfolio123 is a pioneer in allowing anyone to create a rules-based investment strategy that closely resembles what a human manager does. Portfolio123 aims to eliminate the time-consuming, repetitie and emotional process of managing a stock strategy.

  • Portfolio123 is a financial research-tools company that provides users the opportunity to a one-of-a-kind research and trade engine.
  • Through them, you can simulate, screen, back-test, and trade your personally created and customized portfolio provided by them.
  • They provide research tools to investors and researchers of all levels and make it easy to extract key data or create their own strategies without any coding knowledge.
  • Portfolio123 specializes in Research, RIA, Portfolios, Back-Testing, Screener, Stock Screening, Algorithms, Simulation, Stocks, ETFs, Data, Financial Data, and Trade.