

Entity Type
Founding Date

Vanguard is one of the world's largest investment enterprises, offering a great selection of low-cost mutual funds, ETFs, advice, and related services. Whether you are an individual investor or a financial professional, you can benefit from the firm’s expertise, stability, and reliable investment approach. Vanguard has about 190 U.S. funds and about 230 additional funds in markets outside the United States.

Oldest fund: Wellington Fund (inception: July 1, 1929)

Total assets under management: $6.2 trillion, as of January 31, 2020

Number of investors: More than 30 million investors, in about 170 countries, as of January 31, 2020

Average expense ratio: 0.10% 

Core purpose: To take a stand for all investors, to treat them fairly, and to give them the best chance for investment success