Bill Lipschutz

Bill Lipschutz

Formal First Name
William (Bill)
Nick Name
The Sultan of Currencies
1956 - present

Bill Lipschutz, often referred to as "The Sultan of Currencies," is a Wall Street wizard and maestro of the forex market. He is the Co-Founder, Principal, and Portfolio Manager of Hathersage Capital Management, a macro manager focused on trading G10 currencies. Lipschutz is a legendary forex trader known for transforming a $12,000 inheritance into hundreds of millions in profits on the currency markets. He was once considered one of the world's top five FX traders during his tenure at Salomon Brothers where he was one of the original members of the firm’s Foreign Exchange Department. He has also participated actively in the development of both the exchange-traded and over-the-counter foreign exchange option markets.

Professional Experience

Academic History


  • Lipschutz focuses on position trading, which involves holding significant positions in currencies for an extended period. 

  • His method revolves around macroeconomic analysis, leveraging geopolitical events, interest rate shifts, and other market dynamics.

  • His strategy requires a deep understanding of how global events, economic policies, and political shifts influence currency values and risk exposure, which is why he tends to focus on long-term trades rather than quick flips.


  • Lipschultz was ranked among the top 5 forex traders in the world. 

  • During his time in the Solomon Brothers, he made a constant profit of about $300 million for the firm per year.

  • Lipschultz was the senior trader overlooking the Solomon Brothers’ proprietary forex account from 1984 until his resignation in 1990, and he headed both the New York Foreign Exchange Trading Desk and the Global Foreign Exchange Options Group.



  • He shot to fame when he was featured in Jack Schwager’s Market Wizard, a book made from the compilation of some of the best trading minds.

  • He was also featured in The Mind of a Trader, a book published in 1998 and written by Alpesh Patel.

  • He was inducted into the Trader Hall Monthly Hall of Fame in 2006.