What Every Fidelity Investor Needs to Know

What Every Fidelity Investor Needs to Know


What Every Fidelity Investor Needs to Know is a clear and distinct guide that will help you get the best out of what Fidelity has to offer—whether it be through taxable accounts, IRAs, or 401(k)s. It also takes time to familiarize you with the distinct culture that has allowed Fidelity and its investors to prosper for more than 50 years. Not only will you learn about the distinguished history of this great company, but you'll also discover some of its long-standing traditions, such as why Fidelity prefers to develop its own management talent.

Praise for What Every Fidelity Investor Needs to Know

"No one knows more about Fidelity, nor communicates it more eloquently, than Jim Lowell. An added bonus is that his fund picks and portfolio composition have a record of beating the market, with less risk. No Fidelity investor should be without this invaluable guide."

Daniel P. Wiener, Editor, The Independent Adviser for Vanguard Investors

"This book is a fascinating read for anybody who wants to learn about the history and inner workings of America's largest fund company, as well as find out how best to use its vast resources to improve investment returns."

— David Callaway, Editor in Chief, MarketWatch.com

"Nobody knows Fidelity better than Jim Lowell, nor explains it more clearly to the rest of us."

— Timothy Middleton, Mutual Funds Columnist, MSN Money 

"Among the dozens of so-called Fidelity gurus I have met, Jim Lowell stands out because he is not only an expert on all of Fidelity's hundreds of fund products, but he has an insider's knowledge of the portfolio managers who call the shots. Best of all, his clear explanations cut through the jargon for investors."

Matthew Schifrin, Vice President and Editor, Forbes Newsletter Group