ATAC Rotation Fund

ATAC Rotation Fund

The ATAC Rotation Fund is a tactical strategy that is designed to generate absolute returns across multiple market cycles. It rotates offensively or defensively based on historically proven leading indicators of volatility, with the goal of taking less risk at the right time. The Fund seeks to rotate between equities or Treasuries based on leading indicators of stock market volatility. In offensive mode, ATAC can invest in U.S. large cap ETFs, U.S. small cap ETFs, or Emerging Market ETFs. In defensive mode, ATAC can invest in long duration bonds or short duration bonds. The indicators are evaluated on a weekly basis for potential rotations in the portfolio.

5 Reasons to Invest in ATAC

1. Add Diversification Benefits to Your Portfolio

2. Ability to Mitigate Risk in Times of Stress

3. Ability to Generate Positive Returns in Both Up and Down Market Environments

4. Hedge Against the Risk of Rising Interest Rates

5. Systematic and Objective Process