Create Your Own Hedge Fund

Create Your Own Hedge Fund

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Create Your Own Hedge Fund: Increase Profits and Reduce Risks with ETFs and Options

Create Your Own Hedge Fund explains how exchange-traded funds can be used in conjunction with an options strategy to attain steady growth. Beginning with a tutorial on options and ETFs, the book goes on to describe both investment approaches in great detail providing you with a trading strategy that generates higher returns than buy-and-hold investing. Filled with in-depth insights and expert advice, this book is intended for you if you're a sophisticated individual investor or a professional investor, trader, or other money manager looking to update your arsenal of investment tools.

Praise for Create Your Own Hedge Fund

"Options writing made simple for the layman."

James Altucher, author of Trade Like a Hedge Fund

"One of the clearest explanations of how to use options as they were originally intended: as a component of an overall strategy in conjunction with other positions."

Robert V. Green, Investment Strategist,

"Wolfinger combines the versatility of options and the benefits of diversified exchanged-traded funds to present an amazing new form of low-risk, enhanced return investing. Whether you are new to options and ETFs or a long-time trader, the book details a straightforward, simple-to-follow method of creating a hedged portfolio in any market condition with significant returns."

Philip Budwick, coauthor of The Option Trader Handbook: Strategies and Trader" Adjustments