The Fund Industry

The Fund Industry

Full Name
The Fund Industry: How Your Money is Managed

The Fund Industry offers a comprehensive look at mutual funds and the investment management industry. It takes readers on a tour of the business of asset management. It expands coverage of the segments of the industry where growth is hottest, including hedge funds, liquid alternatives, ETFs, and target-date funds. The Fund Industry is an essential guide to navigating the mutual fund industry.

“The result is a timely, comprehensive book for retail investors who want to know how their funds work (or don’t), for financial planners, and for students who aspire to join the fund industry.”


"This book provides an excellent overview of all aspects of the fund industry―from portfolio management to marketing to regulation. It will be an invaluable tool for those working in the industry and a genuinely helpful guide for fund investors."

Mary Schapiro, Former Chairperson of the Securities and Exchange Commission

"This book is a must read for the millions of U.S. investors who own mutual funds. It clearly explains how your funds are managed and how your retirement accounts are administered."

― Jack Brennan, Former CEO of Vanguard

"We're using this book as a textbook for seasoned managers who want to develop a broader view of our industry, to great reviews from all! I wish that I had this book when I joined the fund industry. It clearly articulates how the various parties in the industry connect."

Etta Valdes, Vice President, American Funds Training and Development

"This book will greatly enhance your understanding of the fund industry. It describes how money is managed, how portfolios are constructed, and how valuations are established; provides tools to help you research and compare funds, looking at their performance, risk, and expenses; and discusses the growing importance of funds around the globe. It's rare to find so much useful information in a single book."

Mohamed El-Erian, Former Co-CEO of PIMCO