Stock Pick

Stock Pick

A stock pick, which falls under the umbrella of active management, is a stock selection made by investors using systematic analysis of various factors affecting stocks. Investors or portfolio managers use a combination of fundamental analysis, technical analysis, and sometimes personal insight to choose stocks that they believe will outperform the market or their benchmark. Ideally, a detailed analysis of the issuing company is performed before stock investments are chosen. Investors and analysts pour over a company's financial statements to study its balance sheet, income statement, and cash flow statement. There are various strategies used by investors for stock picking, and it's important to find one that aligns with your investment goals and tolerance to risk.

Entity Types

Exchange Traded Fund
Mutual Fund
Stock Market


Active Investing


Balance Sheet
Financial Statements
Market Forecasting
Risk Management

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Agora Financial
Chaikin Analytics
EARNEST Partners
Eminence Capital
Indus Capital Partners
Janus Henderson Investors
Khaner Capital Management
Makalu Fund Management
PureXposure Growth Series
Royce Investment Partners
The Analyst Research
Tweedy Browne Company LLC


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Chris Errico
Chris Versace
Cody Willard
David Gardner
David Harding
David Krejca
David Merkel
Dmitry Balyasny
Dylan Jovine
Eric Fry
Eric Wade
Eric Weigel
Fred Hickey
Helene Meisler
Jason Wild
John Kolovos
John Ross
John Templeton
Kerr Neilson
Kirk Spano
Lee Ainslie
Louis Navellier
Luke Lango
Marc Chaikin
Mario Gabelli
Mark Boyar
Mark Hiley
Mason Morfit
Mike Kantrowitz
Paul Viera
Peter Lynch
Richard Wyckoff
Steve Mandel
Taylor Larimore
Todd Jordan
Tom Carroll
Tom Gentile
Weston Nakamura


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Publication Types



Concentrated Global Equity


Chaikin Power Gauge Rating
Individual Stock
Investment Management


  • Nothing in the market is guaranteed. 

In the world of investing, nothing is guaranteed. While over the long term, the stock market has historically trended up, you're likely to experience bumps along the way. Never invest money you can't afford to lose.

  • You are betting on yourself. 

By opting to pick individual stocks, you're betting on your ability to beat the market and exceed the return of the stock market at large. 

If you're a young, swing-for-the-fences investor, you've just narrowed your universe down to high-risk, high-reward names. If you have a shorter runway, you'll likely only want to consider blue-chip companies and dividend stocks.

There are two primary strategies investors use to research stocks: fundamental analysis and technical analysis.

  • Keep your emotions in check. 

Successful long-term investors need an iron will to go along with their iron stomach and resist the urge to sell at the worst of times, only to be forced to buy back in the best of times.


  • Find companies you understand. 

Picking stocks is about reading a company’s prospects better than anyone else. If you lack understanding of a company’s business, you’ll have less of an idea of how positive its prospects are.

  • Pick story stocks and trade the news. 

Story stocks are shares of companies that are priced based on a popular narrative of potential upside growth. Story stocks, such as Amazon or Tesla, are quite extreme examples of growth stocks.

Technical analysis is one of the most used tools for picking stocks for short-term trading. Technical indicators​ can help decide a trader’s entry and exit points. 

Fundamental analysis​ considers qualitative factors, such as macroeconomic and microeconomic factors, to determine a company’s intrinsic or relative valuation.

Analysts at investment banks and other financial institutions use a combination of technical and fundamental analysis to build up an investment case and price targets for financial instruments.

  • Trade positioning and sentiment. 

Positioning and sentiment indicators can be technical or fundamental. Some leading and lagging indicators​ can be used to identify stocks that have been overbought or oversold.